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Baltimore Marathon Reviews

Baltimore Marathon
4.5 Stars from 26 Runners

  Fun race but frustrating

By about 2023


I ran the Baltimore Marathon for the first time in 2023. Its advantages are the volunteers, city and police support, and enthusiasm from residents. Disadvantages are many: road hazards, race congestion, overcrowded water stops on the course, and not enough restrooms at the start.

Race Tips

If you're focused on getting a personal best or if you don't want to be walled in by slower half-marathoners, this race isn't for you. As advertised, the course has lots of long, rolling uphills and these will cut into your time, and a few surprisingly steep downhills that may tire your quads.

At mile 14 or so the half marathon field merges with the marathon, which in 2023 was twice the size of the marathon field. Many roads are simply too narrow for this when runner numbers are at their peak, creating bottlenecks. As a result, you can't see large potholes or traffic cones placed along the center line until you're right upon them. Some metal dividers place along some stretches have supports jutting into the course at ankle level. If you're near the front or the back of the field you should be ok.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Plenty of free parking around the stadiums for the marathon. Don't count on a last-minute bathroom stop at the start. The few Camden Yards stadium bathrooms that were open were way too few.

3 / 5 Stars

  Bad pacers and hills

By about 2022


It's hilly, good crowd support but the pacers were terrible! He was so fast-way faster than the pace should have been. I would think twice about doing this race.

Race Tips

Practice running on hills

2 / 5 Stars

  Hilly, but great race support and crowd

By about 2018


Experienced runner but this was my first marathon (also my hometown marathon). The thing I heard most often in the start area were other runners asking me somewhat incredulously "This is your first marathon?" I loved the first 15 miles. You get to see much of Baltimore -- both low and high income neighborhoods -- and everyone is out cheering on the runners. at around mile 14, the half joins up with the full and it gets a lot busier.

Race Tips

If I were to do this again I'd go out much slower at the beginning. Baltimore's harbor is a basin, and the race starts at the bottom. From there it climbs up for about 3 miles, and then about 6 miles are downhill to the flats around the harbor. Then, around mile 16, the climb back up the basin to Lake Montebello (a reservoir). Mile 20 in are rolling hills that really got me.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

This race should be called the "Baltimore Half-Marathon (with full marathon added)." Logistically it is confusing because there are so many start areas for all the different races. Just make sure you read the guide you get at the expo. If you're in the full you start first and it is not difficult to get your bag checked because there are so few runners.

3 / 5 Stars

  Busy, hilly, but lots of local support

By about 2017


The Baltimore is a hilly beast that takes the greatest toll on you after the calm loop around Lake Montebello-as mentioned, the 2017 course changed and the last 5 miles were hilly, and the roads had lots of bumps and potholes, making the last few miles agonizing when coupled with the extremely packed course. Had to dodge people the entire race, especially after merging with the half marathoners at mile 16. However, great crowd support and cool views of the city and neighborhoods kept it from being boring or overly exhausting. It was my first marathon-and I am glad I chose a hard one for my first as after that I feel I can fly on flatter and faster courses. I am glad I did it as it is my "hometown marathon" but I probably wouldn't do it again.

Race Tips

Just run lots of hills. Be prepared for a busy course. Save juice for the 20's.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Definitely stay in Baltimore. All races as mentioned have different start times and locations.

3 / 5 Stars

  Manageable hills but those first three miles can mess you up

By about 2017


Considering the volume of people there, it was fairly well managed. There are different starts for the different course which made it extremely difficult for an out-of-towner like myself to find the start line... I also found other people in the same situation. People were pointing me in several different directions due to the varied starts and finish lines and I had to start five minutes after everyone else. This made dodging people a nightmare for the first half of the race and then just when it started getting better at mile 16, we merged with the half marathoners going at a much slower pace. There are also a lot of relay runners and many of the teams did not run a consistent pace, which worsens the weaving problem. As a result of all of this weaving, my GPS clocked my distance as my longest marathon. So be on time, or you will pay more than necessary.

Race Tips

Those first three miles straight uphill really messed up my pacing. I just couldn't get my proper flow after that slow, long, gradual uphill run. I don't know if there is a way to prepare yourself for that though...

4 / 5 Stars

  Great way to see many different aspects of the city

By about 2017


The course is hilly, but not impossibly so. I trained on much harder hills-however, the course changed this year and it ended in the Inner Harbor, and had a few trying if not small hills after Lake Montabello. The course was busy throughout due to the relay teams and their exchanges and the half marathoners joining in at mile 16. For a "small" marathon, it felt pretty crowded and I spent plenty of time and energy dodging people. The crowd is upbeat, and I enjoyed the experience despite the aforementioned things.

Race Tips

Save energy for the last push after mile 20. The roads are hilly and not perfectly smooth, so tread carefully. The beer tents had a long wait, and the inner harbor felt a bit crowded for me, if not festive. Easy to walk to food places.

Stay local and walk to the starts, due to high fees for parking and many road closures making cabs and rideshare less efficient. Each race has a different starting line and time.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

See above.

4 / 5 Stars

  High energy, well organized!

By about 2017


Very well organized race that even brings you through the Baltimore Zoo! Spectators throughout the course have tons of energy and volunteers provide you with plenty of nutrition.

Race Tips

Don't go out too fast. This course is hilly, but moreso in the second half of the race.

5 / 5 Stars

  Nice Experience

By about 2016


This race had great crowd support & was a nice scenic course to get a good view of the city. Finishing at the stadium was very fun, post race snacks were good.

Race Tips

The marathon bumps into the half marathon runners when you get up into the teen miles, this made the course very congested & gave me no choice but to slow my pace down. Parking was easy at the stadium. Packet pickup was easy as well.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Baltimore is not the safest city, which is what made running through it feel enjoyable because it was well patrolled. Be safe, know where you are going so you don't look & act like a lost tourist.

4 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


The weather was beautiful and there were so many supporters throughout the race. The medal is SO awesome! I will be running it again!

Race Tips

train if you're not a runner.

there were some inclines so definitely train in areas with some hills to be prepared.

lots of people but it was very well organized; prepare ahead of time how you will get to the start line.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


The crowd is awesome and the energy from the city keep you going!

Race Tips

Practice with HILLS! There is a lot of incline in this race.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Free parking runs out quickly. But plenty of places where you can pay about $15 to park for the day.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Courses are available for all types of runners beginner to advanced!

Race Tips

Enjoy the views!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Arrive early, find your start line since there are several.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


It is a challenging course. It also takes you around the best sights for Baltimore. It is also very well equipped to handle the masses.

ONLY negative is that getting to the start is not well marked. Course is well marked though.

Race Tips

Train hills. Lots of them.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Stay in a hotel close to start.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Great crowd, great city, great course. Start by Ravens Stadium and finish by sprinting past Camden Yards. I PR'd my time by 11+ minutes!

Race Tips

Don't let the relay teams throw off your pace. They are well marked but can help push you too early if you're not careful.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Park at M&T was easy

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Community spirit, finishing through Camden Yards, the after party by the two stadiums.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


This is a challenging course with a tough uphill stretch on the back side, but it goes through some great neighborhoods and parts of Charm City. And the crowd support is sensational. It's a well-organized and fun event.

Race Tips

Don't go too fast early on. You'll be tempted to fly through the zoo area where there is a downhill stretch, but you have to remember that it is uphill from Miles 16-20!

Lake Montibello is at Mile 21 or so. Once you reach there, it's relatively easy coming home. So stay focused on getting to the Lake, then you know you'll be able to finish strong.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I would advise taking light rail into the city instead of parking. Give yourself plenty of time.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Hilly but lots of crowd support

Race Tips

Train on hills

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Excellent expo

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


A city marathon with a small, friendly atmosphere! The full marathon field is small enough there are no waves, and runners are allowed to self-seed by pace. The course offers a great tour of the different neighborhoods of Baltimore, decked in fall colors if the weather is right. There are supportive spectators from the community all along the course, with especially exciting crowds at the Inner Harbor (miles 9 and 13) and Patterson Park (mile 16).

Race Tips

The Baltimore Marathon has awesome pacers who will guide you through the whole race, so your best strategy may be simply finding the right pace group. The biggest hill is a gradual ascent right from the start to mile 4, when you're feeling fresh. Miles 9-15 along the waterfront are completely flat, with occasional harbor views. But be sure to save some energy for the second major climb at miles 17-20, which feels much more taxing!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


It's in Baltimore, duh!

Race Tips

Be prepared to party afterwards and experience the friendless of the locals

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


This is a great, challenging and hilly marathon. The race takes you through all the great sites of the city, historical monuments and attractions. Allows people to see how beautiful this city really is - not how the media portrays.

Race Tips

This is a hilly course right from the start. Pace yourself and save your energy for the bridge at about mile 23. Once you climb that final hill you can use your saved energy to coast the last leg downhill straight through to Camden yards!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Plan to arrive about an hour early if you drive. Out of town runners have many hotel options close to the start/finish or have the option to take the light rail that runs all the way out to the suburbs. Night before the race head over to little Italy for great Italian food perfect to carbo load!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


Love the underarmour sponsorship and running through the zoo!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


Lots of uphill.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


Loved the course. Gentle uphill for the first 3 miles, then a nice coast down. The roads were large enough for the runners, but not so wide as to feel all alone. Some people did not like the merge with the 1/2 marathon crowd at mile 16. The expo was disappointing and difficult to navigate, but they promised to improve location for 2016!

Race Tips

Watch out for the loop around the lake near on the last third. It is only a mile (or less), but it is flat and feels like it takes forever.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

We stayed within walking distance of Camden Yards. Hit the Inner Harbor and Little Italy!! If you like beer, Heavy Seas Brewery is about a 15 minute drive from Camden Yards. The Marathon is much smaller than the 1/2, so getting into the corral is not an issue.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Overall race environment, organization.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Great race to see the wonderful city of Baltimore and Starts and end near Camden yards and Ravens stadium. Very scenic in many parts and every part of the marathon is a different section of the City.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Lots of fan support and colorful neighborhoods. Funny signs and cheering crowds really kept me going. Loved getting candy throughout, because I'm such a sweet tooth. Healthier options, like bananas, were also available. The pacers are great, very encouraging and knowledgeable. The course is challenging with rolling hills, but hey, it's a marathon. It's not supposed to be easy. One thing I really liked were the changing rooms to put on clean dry clothes afterwards. Great race!

Race Tips

Take it easy in the beginning because there are some hills in the second half. Smile for the photographers, even if you don't feel like smiling.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Take the light rail instead of trying to park at the start.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2012


It's simply the best! Better than all the rest!

Race Tips

Settle in!

5 / 5 Stars


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