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Best Boston Marathon Qualifiers

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best marathons to help you qualify for the Boston Marathon.


Buckeye Marathon Reviews

Buckeye Marathon
4.3 Stars from 3 Runners

  Solid Arizona marathon

By about 2024


I liked the marathon because it was to a destination and not multiple loops on the same course. Lots of safety in place to include police at intersections and cones along the roadway. Long straight stretches, and not always people in sight so be self motivated. The downhill advertised is not noticed, because it is very gradual over the entire distance. Well staffed event, good aid stations.

Race Tips

Dress warm for the start, but wear clothes you can easily shed and possibly dispose of. It was freezing at the start, but warmed up by the finish. And drink LOTS of liquid. Because it was so cold, I didn't think I was sweating that much, and it caught up with me in the later miles. It is still in the desert, dry air and breeze. Respect the desert!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Stay in Phoenix and have fun there with your family if they come. You'll need to rent a car to get to the start. Long line at packet pickup, plan accordingly.

4 / 5 Stars

  Fast But Monotonous

By about 2024


The course is very fast, a gradual downgrade with few turns and no significant hills. However, it is very boring with nothing to see but desert scrub brush for miles and miles. Nonetheless, adequate aid stations and port-a-potties along the way and typically decent running weather.

Race Tips

Clothing left at aid stations must be picked up the next day in Scottsdale, the other side of the valley. Left a nice running jacket at Mile 6, expecting it to be at the Finish Area, as promised. Would have worn a thrift store throwaway had I known.

4 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Nice small size marathon good weather.

Race Tips

Be prepared to run your own race since there are only a few runners on the course.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The start is approx. 23 miles away from the finish , a shuttle brings you back to the start after you have finished the marathon

5 / 5 Stars


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