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Marine Corps Marathon Reviews

Marine Corps Marathon
4.5 Stars from 72 Runners

  Not flat! 600 foot gain

By about 2023


Poor communication from race.
Terrible expo. 90 min to get there/ hour plus in line Runner village equals portapotty People fell out left and right due to heat and humidity.
Volunteers on course know nothing. Post race support non-existent.
Do not bother- it's all a hype race.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Take all your own food. Zero real food support afterwards.

1 / 5 Stars

  Run with the Marines!

By about 2023


Best marathon for first timer
Run Virginia and DC, tour the monuments
2500 US Marines on course plus 2000
volunteers- you will have the support
Excellent expo!
MCM, MCM50K and MCM10K

Race Tips

Run you race. You have a ton of time!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Use the metro and book hotels early
The MCM Four Star packages are well worth the $$

5 / 5 Stars

  Paying Tribute to our Veterans

By about 2018


Loved that the race is so organized. The course was amazing, especially the Blue Mile, which brought me to tears. My only recommendation would be to train with hills ... which I didn't. Loved it and will be back in 2020.

Race Tips

Make sure and do a lot of hill training or you will be in for a big shock!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Ubers to race from hotel and you want to get their early as the roads start closing very early.

5 / 5 Stars

  Iconic race

By about 2018


It's an iconic race, a must-do for any American marathoner. I loved that the course was so diverse. Everyone talks about the monument and mall area but it goes through so many other cool spots as well. The blue mile at about 11 is worth it all by itself.

Race Tips

It doesn't have a lot of hills but there are enough that you need to be conservative to start. Also, get in the corral in time. It's a long slog to the start from the Metro or wherever else so give yourself a lot of time. Metro is best if you ask me.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I stayed at my daughter's house in VA and took the Metro. Made it very easy. My wife did the 10k and stayed on the Metro after I got off to go to her start line on the Mall. It all worked really well.

5 / 5 Stars

  Amazing crowds

By about 2018


The crowd support was amazing!!

Race Tips

The is a pretty steep hill at the end! Just power through it!

5 / 5 Stars

  Fun flat and crowded

By about 2018


This is not a race to set a PR - reasonably well organized start not as well organized as Boston but not bad compared to previous years. Crowd support is tremendous and its a very emotional race many are running to remember a fallen brother/father/friend/ The blue mile is a powerful reminder. Race is very crowded even at the half it was congested and not until mile 16-17 did it open up. I was tripped numerous times by runners cutting behind me almost went down once but it was so crowded that the guy next me caught me and prevented a fall. Expo is OK if you like that sort of thing. The giveaway long sleeve turtleneck shirts were hideous. The support for the race was extraordinary the marines who do all the support could not have been better organized plenty of drink and gels stations , very visible medical support and the organization at the finish was superior to what I experienced in Boston. It was a memorable race and worth doing at least once if only to feel connected to the servicemen and families who have sacrificed much.

Race Tips

Best to be patient the race will eventually open up, the course is mostly flat a few hills the haul over the last bridge on the way to crystal city is tough at mile 22 especially if its hot. Do not burn yourself out trying to dodge slower runners

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The hotels listed in the race site were all filled and expensive try staying at one of the airport hotels near Reagan Airport they are within walking distance of the shuttle to the race. I would not recommend staying at the Gaylord (Expo) it is really far from Washington and expensive

3 / 5 Stars

  Doing This Every Year!

By about 2018


The course was incredible with amazing views and stops if you want along the way! The runners span from elite to handicapped. Everyone was VERY friendly and everyone has a story. The support throughout the coarse was one of the best. Loved all the signs. The memorial mile was something I won't forget, followed by the flag mile. This is one of my most memorable marathons and will now be one I will do every year.

Race Tips

Know that the first couple miles have hills. I wasn't aware of this and questioned my pace, breathing, stride....

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I stayed 3 miles away from the start. Took the Metro at 6am. Our stop was one of the first stops, gets very very full before everyone unloads at the Pentagon stop.

5 / 5 Stars

  Ridiculously well organized

By about 2018


Excellent course, great views, tons of fan support, multiple water and nutrition stations, Vaseline throughout the race... BIG HELP!

Race Tips

Expect 30,000 runners plus their family and friends, expect a fly over from the ospreys, expect heightened security (thank you Pentagon Police), expect the Blue Mile to be emotional, expect the scenery to be exceptional, expect the race to fly by with all that support.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Stay in Crystal City if you can. It's a 1 mile walk to the start. The bus brings you back to Crystal City after you finish. Plus the marathon runs through Crystal City.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2018


Pros: Scenery, well-organized expo, well-paced and enjoyable course, great camaraderie.

Cons: Metro doesn't open till 6am, so by the time you get to the Pentagon stop and get through security you have very little time before start.

You walk appx one mile to get to the start line.

Corrals are marked but not really "enforced."

Race Tips

Start slower than you think you should, walk through water stations to get all the liquid, motion with your arm when you need to stop/move to the side. Each water stop offers water and Gatorade.

Porta-John lines are very long, strategize so you don't need one.

The course has some inclines, but is comfortable overall. The last Iwo Jima hill is not as bad as people make it sound- steep but short. Course has great scenery and ambiance and supportive crowds, except on the bridge, where it is just you and the other runners...

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I stayed at the Hampton Inn White House in DC- Hot breakfast, early morning coffee, close to the Metro- which is a breeze and takes you right to the marathon stop. I stayed around DC for a few days following the race and wanted to be w/ in walking distance to the Mall and not sequestered in VA. Great hotel.

5 / 5 Stars

  Wanted to love this race but...

By about 2018


- public, marines and volunteer support and enthusiasm
- beautiful views
- blue mile tribute
- DC stay and vibe

No thanks:
- Expo - distance to get to and the organization of get through it. It’s required to get your bib. Best to pay extra to get it mailed to you.
- shuttle pick up in the morning. Took over and hour to weave through the line for buses only to have to succumb to people cutting the line and jumping on busses down the line. It was completely out of control and resulted in getting to the start super late. When you get dropped, expect to walk another 20 mins to get to bag drop off and then another 15-20 to get through the crowds to even reach the start.
- Start line and first 6 miles. More chaos, crowds and stop and go running. There’s no organized corral of fast vs slower paced runners in start so you are constantly dodging slow runners or walkers the first 5 milesor so and in various spots throughout marathon until about mile 16.
- the distance. It’s not 26.2. Several runners with GPS watches, including me realized after mile 2 that the distance was off and remained incongruent until the finish. My watch and many others I compared notes with read 26.7. Don’t expect a PR with 1/2 mile tacked on.
- The finish. Expect to walk another almost mile or so after finishing to get your bags and meet up with family. The line for runners is gated off and corralled until you are almost to the UPS trucks for your bags.

Overall, I liked running the race and loved the crowd cheering and participation of the marines. But this will be the last time I do this marathon.

2 / 5 Stars

  So much more then a race!

By about 2018


I loved everything about this race! Running along side marines, remembering those who gave their lives for us as you ran the Blue Mile, great crowd support, bands, aide stations and water/Gatorade/fuel stations. Marines everywhere encouraging and supporting you!

Cons: people peeing on the side of the course, complaints about the finisher shirt.... come on people! Think about what this race represented instead of being so picky!

Race Tips

It is a challenging course with a hill early on, a few later on the course and at the very end. Run the tangents as it was longer then 26.2

5 / 5 Stars

  Great race!

By about 2018


This is a great, well-supported race that I would travel to again. A previous reviewer complained about the start, but I walked the short distance from Le Meridien at 6:40am and was at the start line, with bathroom break by 7:30. The pacers were impossible to find, so be prepared to run your own race - my Garmin did clock in at 26.7 miles, like other runners, hmm? Its a great course with some early hills and the last 1/2+ mile uphill, but with good crowds, music and beautiful sites to keep you motivated.

It would be helpful if there could be 5 or 10 minutes more between the wheelchair and main start.

The expo is in a great space and organized, but for anyone staying near the start/finish with no carit is a 30 minute trip to Maryland with no public transportation.

Marine Corp was one of my favorite races, if nothing but to finish between a line of marines congratulating and cheering on each and every runner.

Race Tips

The first 3 miles are rolling/uphill, so pace accordingly - its hard to find space and pacers are very difficult to find - at least this year.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I walked to the race from LeMeridien (Rosslyn), easy and quick. Leave a little time to go through security. There is only one way in or out to runners village and start line. They will check all bags.

5 / 5 Stars

  Horribly disorganized arrival and start line

By about 2018



This race had/has enormous potential to be a top 10 race in the country, but until the event organizers fix the arrival and start line issues, I don't recommend this marathon to anyone.

I started out from my hotel (Le Meridien) about 3/4 mile away, at 5:30 AM for a 7:55 AM start. Took the Metro from Rosslyn to the Pentagon as suggested. Got there early. Stood on the platform and waited for the train that was supposed to be there at 6:00 AM. It showed up at 6:15, and it was packed door to door, front to back. Had to wait for the next train which showed up 15 minutes later. Got on that train and when I got off at the Pentagon stop, there were literally thousands of people trying to exit the metro platform using two sets of escalator stairs that were turned off. It took a good 10 to 15 minutes to just get out of the Metro building. Once outside the building, everyone had to walk about 2 miles to the security checkpoint, another 1/4 mile to the gear bag drop point, and then another half mile beyond that, to the start area. I arrived at my start position (no dilly dallying in between) with literally two minutes to spare. I had to use the porta potty before the gun, so I actually missed the official start. No time to warm up or gather myself mentally. In all, I walked about 3 miles before the race, and at least to me, walking is more taxing on my legs than running.

With 30,000 runners, and no true staggered corral starts, the course was too crowded. Shoulder to shoulder with other runners probably 80% of the way. I actually had a woman wearing earbuds, paying more attention to her music than those running around her, trip me and we both went down hard. Beyond that, it was a lot of ducking and dodging other runners and runners-turn-walkers all the way to the finish line. The other major problem with the course is my Garmin measured out my race at 26.73 miles and that was with me running the tangents the best that I could. Some friends of mine that are elite class measured out at 26.67 miles. So, I have to believe that the official measurements are not correct. I always expect to run about an 1/8 to 1/4 mile more than 26.2 miles, but a half mile is ridiculous.

Lastly, and just as critical, was the fact that one of the nutrition stops were out of Boom gels. The volunteers (who by the way were the best part of this race) were left empty-handed, and at this point in the race (16 - 17 miles in) to arrive at a nutrition stop to find it empty is not a good thing if you were banking on that being available.


Not much. The volunteers, marines and civilians alike, were fantastic. You couldn't get much more support than what was given. Aside from the empty nutrition stop I referenced above, the other stops were well-tended and supplied. Finish metals are attractive.

Race Tips

If you're registering for this race to compete, don't register. if you're registering for this event to cruise around DC and take some sites in while listening to music thru your earbuds, then sign up. If you sign up to try to compete, then the best advice I can give you is to study the course turn by turn ahead of time, and run the tangents the best you can. Bring your own fuel. Prepare yourself to be patient because you will need a lot of patience weaving in and out of other runners along the way.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Stay in Arlington near the Rosslyn section. Most convenient location to the start and finish line. I found a restaurant called the Tombs on 36th St. NW in Georgetown that was great. Actually the best part of my whole trip. Great food, great atmosphere, and great prices. Awesome! Le Meridien was a great hotel. A little artsy for my taste, but very nice inside. Very well appointed and clean. Helpful staff.

1 / 5 Stars

  Race for those without time goals who enjoy large scale races

By about 2017


It's a unique opportunity to run through the nation's capital; however, I would only recommend this race for those without time goals who enjoy large scale races. The medal is cool, but the shirts tend to be a real toss up. The 2016 one was nice but too warm to run in. The 2017 one was fine if you like salmon. The 2018 one was TERRIBLE. Google it.

Race Tips

I ran it in 2017 before they instituted corrals and there was clearly confusion on how to line up. My pace group was dodging left and right for over 8 miles to get around folks running much slower and even walking in the first few miles. None of these runners should have been lined up ahead of the 3:30 pace group.

I refused to run it in 2018, but my husband wanted to run it for his 3rd year. They announced they would have starting corrals, so I was interest to see how it went. He lined up per usual for the bus to the start from Crystal City. They were only loading 1 bus at a time. He has never had an issue getting to the start with PLENTY of time to spare, but in 2018 despite doing the same thing as previous years he was dropped off by the bus with less than 10 minutes until the gun. To add on to the issue, the bus dropped them off a mile and a half from the start, further away than previous years. He started running as soon as he got off the bus, but he didn't make it to the start before the gun went off. He ended up at the back and struggled to get around people the whole race. He said that's the last time he'll run the MCM.

On top of that the whole race is a logistical pain. Packet pick up is in National Harbor which is awful to get in and out of. The streets were not made for that volume of vehicular traffic. The kid's race is at the Pentagon and it is not well marked on how to get from the parking lot around the Pentagon to the start. We missed our son's heat in 2018. After the marathon there's no easy way to funnel back out the metro. In 2018 they made it even harder to locate your runner/family by pushing the fencing our further and creating a choke point that had not previously existed.

2 / 5 Stars

  A race with honor

By about 2017


Hands down the best race I have ever ran. Well organized and an honor to run with our Marines. The Blue mile is humbling and running alongside Wounded Warriors. All while running through our nation's capital.

Race Tips

Train on hills, so you are prepared to run the bridge.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The website provides great information about the race. Use the tips provided.

5 / 5 Stars

  Very well organized with excellent crowd support

By about 2017


Very well organized with excellent crowd support. Marines are at stations throughout the course which can deliver a pick-e up - especially when battling the wall.

Race Tips

There are a few hills throughout the race so include hills in your training plan. Parts of the race aren't shaded and, depending on the weather, the sun beats down on you- especially across the bridge.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Get to the start early as you do have to go through security.

5 / 5 Stars

  The only marathon that speaks to me

By about 2017


This is the most meaningful, inspirational race that I've ever run. To have a marine lieutenant salute me and place the medal around my neck was the best feeling in the world.

Race Tips

Don't run for a PR. Enjoy the memorials, the crowds, and the feeling of pride.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Crystal City in Arlington, VA is a good place to stay.

5 / 5 Stars

  Mort exhilarating and Best marathon on the planet - 4 time finisher

By about 2017


Marines, location, Marines, Scenery, Marines, finish line, Marines, after party and did I mention Marines!

Race Tips

Just have a great time and let the experience was over you

5 / 5 Stars

  The People's Marathon - 8 time finisher

By about 2017


Course is beautiful. Run through all monuments, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Jefferson and Martin Luther King, Jr. memorials, WWII, Vietnam, Korean War memorials, the National Mall, all while being cheered on by hundreds of US Marines. The spirit is great and the logistics impeccable. The pain of the last hill,though, to the finish at the Iowa Jima Memorial, disappears when a strong Marine puts the finisher's medal around your neck!

Race Tips

See above. It's easy to get carried away by the tremendous spirit at the start. Resist the urge to go out too quickly and make sure you have enough water/sports drink before you reach the 14th Street bridge just before the 20 mile marker. There are no water stops u til just before Mile 22. If it's a warm day, the bridge will take a huge toll on Runners who have no means of hydration.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Try not to stay too far out from the area of the run. The Metro is great.

5 / 5 Stars

  Patroitic Pride

By about 2017


Marines and sailors providing support at every food station, water point and medical aid station make you proud to be running this event.

Race Tips

Start easy at the beginning through Rosslyn and downhill on Spout Run. Enjoy the Blue Mile along Hains Point at mile 12 and continuing along East Potomac Park. The toughest stretch is after Beating the Bridge at mile 20 as you depart DC on the 14th Street Bridge returning to Virginia. The bridge has no cover or concealment from the elements and stretches nearly two miles before taking the ramp to Crystal City.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Stay in Rosslyn, but book your room early. If you are not staying in Rosslyn, take Metro as event organizers pay big bucks to open the subway as earlier as they are allowed.

5 / 5 Stars

  Great beginners

By about 2017


The MCM is a great marathon for first time runners. Great views, awesome atmosphere, and even better finisher medals.

Race Tips

Expect lots of people and support from the crowds, the course is definitely one that is worth the run.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Hotels are available throughout the area and most provide a shuttle to the train that takes you to the Pentagon.

5 / 5 Stars

  Iconic race but not perfect

By about 2017


There are only 12 water stations. On a cool, cloudy day this would probably be OK, but the last 2 years have been warm (highs in mid 70s to 80s). There are 2 stretches where you won't have access to water for almost 3 miles.

The DC portions of the race are packed with spectators, but other parts may be pretty desolate. The 14th St. bridge is a particularly difficult section, mentally and physically - no access to water, no spectators and no cover from the sun.

Marines do a terrific job pumping you up, manning aid stations, and finish line duties. The race start is really cool too.

Race Tips

If it's going to be warm, bring your own container to refill at water stations if you want to hydrate every mile. Make sure to know where the longest waterless segments are so you can get extra before going into them. There were people handing out ice in Crystal City, but if you can get a family member to get you ice before that (especially before 14th st. bridge) that helps a lot. Most of the first half of the course is covered from the sun but most of the back half is not.

The climb on Lee Hwy is pretty tough, but it gets easier after that

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

We stayed in Rosslyn at Key Bridge Marriott and it was a relatively easy walk to the starting line and even shorter walk back from the finish line. Make sure to get there at least 30 minutes before the start. The placement in corrals isn't enforced, so getting onto the course isn't difficult if you are standing outside the barricades.

4 / 5 Stars


By about 2017


This is an extremely well-supported, beautiful course that makes you proud to live in this country. I grew up in MD and thought that I knew D.C. Now I feel sad that I took so much for granted as a child.

Race Tips

Start off slower than you think, the hills at the beginning are deceptive and more damaging than you think.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Leave an hour earlier than other races because of the crowds. Pick any Arlington hotel and take the Metro. Easy Peasy to the start and finish.

5 / 5 Stars

  Not one bad thing to say - this marathon is hands down the best! - 4x Finisher

By about 2016


Be prepare for the emotions of the Blue Mile.

Race Tips

Be prepare for the emotions of the Blue Mile.

5 / 5 Stars

  See all the DC sites while running

By about 2016


I liked the location of the race. You get to experience Washington DC and see all the sites while running

Race Tips

The first couple of miles start with a hill so conserve your energy and run smart.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

If you are out of town its best that you find a hotel near the race which is Arlington Va.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


If you only do one marathon, this is a good choice. The course is well laid out, minor hills, mostly at the start. The 11th mile seeing fallen soldiers is emotional yet motivating. Crowd support is great. Lots of free goodies at the end. Water stations and portalets are ample.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Use public transportation! I stayed in Crystal City which made getting around by metro easy and affordable.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


This course starts with a climb for the first 3 miles and then a few downhills so be conservative with your energy. The first 18 miles of this course are great with plenty of sightseeing along the way. Once you get to the bridge there is no crowd support and it feels like the bridge will never end. The crowd support picks back up in Crystal City for a few miles. It was very hot this year and towards the end of the race the water stations were running out of cups and water. Once you get to the bridge there are no water stops for a couple of miles so if it's going to be hot you might want to carry water with you. The finishers village is a joke. Once you finish they try to push you out before you can even get a picture or wait for other runners to finish. They provide very little food wise and it's nothing you would want to eat for that matter.

Race Tips

The morning of arrive at the bus stop early as there are a ton of people in line and it takes a bit to load the passengers and drive to the runners village.

3 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Great runner support by Marines, great beautiful inspiring course, great expo, great organization

Race Tips

Stay in Arlington hotel

Spend a few days after the race

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Fly into Reagan and stay in Arlington

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Very well run race. A lot of crowd support. Plenty of aid stations.

Race Tips

Start slower the first couple miles because of the hills.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I stayed in Alexandria at the Hilton Mark Center. It was a great hotel and a quick Uber ride to the start.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


This is the BEST Marathon - in a class of it's own. Best for 1st timers, best on course support with the Marines, Navy and many many volunteers!

Race Tips

Do this one, you will never look back

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

listen to the MCM Staff, they will guide you to a successful race day.

4 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Wonderful shirts, bibs and medals! Great race to run, very organized!!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


By far the best supported and well cheered on course (for all 26.2 miles I might add) I have ever run. The aid stations were constant, the cheer stations were more constant and the entire community supported this event. Its well organized and a wonderful course to boot! My favorite marathon and I highly recommend - especially for anyone doing a first time marathon.

Race Tips

Stay local and use the shuttles to the start and from the finish. The are prompt and there are a lot of them that are less than half a mile from the start and finish lines and from your hotel in most cases.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Book your hotel through the website - you get a great discount and late checkout!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Lots of support from the marines plus spectator, the beauty of DC.

Race Tips

The last 4-5 miles are not pretty, no spectator so be prepared...and there is no shade so if its hot, it will be brutal.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Very well organized. Need to start later so that we can take metrorail.

Race Tips

Need to start in front. Too many people blocking,

0 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Very well attended and supported. Awesome medal.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Loved this marathon! Great energy, nice course, fantastic support!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


The experience is incredible. The course great until the end. Crazy amount of turns and switch backs in the last 4 miles.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

After shuttle situation was a nightmare!! Luckily I was staying with local family that was able to pick me up.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


This is an experience race, and not a PR race in my opinion. It was incredible. Enjoy the monuments, and say thank you to as many marines as you can. It was a very hot day this year, so that was not expected, but all other things made this my most memorable race to date.

Race Tips

The course was quite crowded throughout, so try to adequately seed yourself with your pace at the start. Otherwise you will find yourself frustrated if you have to do a lot of weaving to pass people or being the subject of other runners' frustration. Enjoy this race. It is an experience.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

If you aren't from the area and aren't familiar with the metro system, familiarize yourself before hand as it can be a bit confusing to navigate with "marathon brain" and a few beers under your belt after the race. I also found it helpful to have a metro card with funds prior to the race. It got me around the giant crowd trying to leave the station nearest to the finish line.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Excellent location, amazing support, crowds are great, fantastic scenery.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Pros: Great crowd support, very well organized, scenic course for the first 18 miles.

Cons: the course this year was altered slightly, and an additional mile put in around Pentagon City. This was all concrete, full of turns, no coverage from elements, and no spectators - all at mile 20-21, so a terrible spot in the marathon for those pieces. Having run three Marine Corps Marathons now, this change was not welcome or helpful to runners.

Race Tips

The first 2.5 miles are uphill - conserve energy. Enjoy the support from the crowds. Be sure to run your tangents - there are a number of turns and slightly-windy roads, and if you're not careful you will end up running a lot more than 26.2.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Inspiring and powerful to run with the Marines. The Blue Mile will remind you to keep your fortitude as you continue, keep running, and push through the marathoner's simple issues. But the logistics of the Gaylord (where the Expo was located and where we stayed) were not so good. Adequate hotel at best. Cramped expo, making for crowds and waiting around.

Shuttles to race start were great, but getting back was a nightmare. FOUR times during the race we had to turn around a cone! This messes with pace and is hard on the body. It's cool to run by the monuments, but you'll see DC better on your own run when you visit as a tourist instead of an athlete. To make up the distance from the course change they have you running in a huge exposed parking lot (ugly too) and on cobbles in a cramped Crystal City shopping area (and those darn cone turn arounds).

The Finisher's Festival was a joke, more like a death march. I had to mingle around the Iwo Jima monument finishing area pretending to be busy while I waited for other runner friends to finish so we could get our picture together there. They won't let you sit down. No bag, no food, nothing, because once you leave the finish area you are stuck in the "Festival" where you are exposed and bored. The recovery "food" they gave you was nothing a runner would want to put in their body, especially during that important recovery window. It reminded me of a "Lunchable." Forget about waiting to buy finishers gear the line is long and there isn't much available. One you finally make it to the end to get your bag of dry clothes, you are so far away from where ever in the world they had the beer that you just leave in frustration. And then there is nowhere to change anyway. I wiped down and changed in the bay of a parking garage risking arrest for indecent exposure! It was super hot and humid this year, but it would be equally miserable if it were cold. Marines are great. The race, not so much.

Race Tips

If you are a faster runner it is neat that you will queue up pretty close to the start. Beware it is self-seeded corrals and has a lot of first time runners, but I didn't have pacing trouble with these factors and the energy of the first timers was great. Practice running hard up a short and steep hill at the end of all of your long runs. And the practice of holding back the first several miles is also key in this race.

If you have the luxury of having supporters that can be near the finish, have them hand you a protein recovery snack for after your finish!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Arrive early to everything to avoid lines, not have gear sold out, etc. The Westin is the nicest hotel nearby the Gaylord. Most of the runner deals for hotels were not much better than what I found at the hotels themselves. The Carbo Load dinner before hand was really nice, sit down buffet, inspirational speakers and video. Sign up for that if you are staying at or near the Gaylord.

Traffic is horrendous in DC, as in all big cities, so plan your arrival and departure accordingly to miss peak times, or just give yourself lots of time.

One plus of the National Harbor area, where the Gaylord is situated is that there are lots of restaurants that appeal to runners. We made a reservation for Sunday night at one of them, but probably didn't need to have it. There is so much dining!

3 / 5 Stars


By about 2016

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Many changes over the past few years due to the Boston Marathon events, weather (rain affecting metal detectors for runner screening) and Metro's unreliability. Despite this, the MCM is a highly organized event. Very worthwhile if you want to run in a big race. And there are 10,000 US Marines cheering you on the entire way.

Race Tips

A generally flat course with a few caveats. The first 3-4 miles are deceptively uphill, so starting out slow is key. The 14th street bridge is at mile 19-20, and is another slight uphill (feels worse than it is b/c it is mile 20). The finish line has a hill at the end - short but at mile 26, runners need a little extra energy to finish. The weather is always key - late October can be as cold as the 40's or as high as 80's. Getting to the start line early with layers of insulation is good advice.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

If the expo continues at Gaylord National, I would stay there for ease of travel (runners shuttles to the start line). Plan on arriving at the Pentagon security screening area around 6 AM. This ensures plenty of time for security, bag drop and getting to the start line.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


I wish someone had told me this was not a course to PR on. There are too many hairpin turns and it's too crowded to run the tangents. I'd recommend this Marathon for a first-timer because the course isn't too hilly and the support is great! The marines do a great job. It's really cool to run by the monuments. I just wish I had known not to hope for a PR! :)

Race Tips

The expo was at the Gaylord this year, and traffic getting in/out was a nightmare. Expect it to take a while.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

We stayed in Rosslyn. Perfect location for getting to the start and back after the finish.

3 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Great crowd support and beautiful course.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


What a fantastic race. From the support of the Marines to the spectators, the absolutely touching memorial mile at 10-11, this race is unforgettable. The hills are tough - but just know that they are there!

Race Tips

Shuttles to the race are fantastic.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


Loved the scenery, the preparation, the crowds. Nothing bad about it except for the wait to get through security before the race.

Race Tips

Get to the security checkpoints early!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015

4 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


Crowd support was great.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Park near the start line and walk there. Do not rely on the Metro to get you there.

3 / 5 Stars


By about 2015

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


I liked the organization and the beautiful scenery. We had great weather in 2015. I PR'd, improving from 4:26 to 4:02. The after-race party was absolutely fun because they kept pouring free beer for us. The support from the Marines was awesome.

Race Tips

Get there early and make sure you are in your corral. I got there late and had to weave people for about 10k

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

AirBnB and Uber... hands down.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015

Race Tips

Be ready for some hills but the atmosphere of this race is one of my all time favorites.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


Running a marathon in DC is fantastic. While you don't run among any of the actual monuments, you can see some of the from a distance while running. Water stations were done well, finisher shirt and medal best I've received.

Race Tips

Start slow as the biggest hills are from miles .5 to around 4.0. Bear right at the starting line and it eliminates one hill.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The logistics are horrendous. I just ran the 40th anniversary race and it was like they had never done this before. 30 minute wait to get through security at the expo, 1 hour wait to buy any MCM merchandise and a 1.5 hour wait to enter the starting area. These folks need to get pointers on how tom handle a large event, clearly they don't have a clue. The finish line area was also a disjointed mess.

3 / 5 Stars


By about 2014


Loved this marathon and would definitely run it again. Beautiful course, super well organized, the best scenery which makes the race go by fast and of course Marines handing you your medal at the end! Absolutely fantastic way to see DC is to run this marathon, it crosses back and forth between VA and DC

Race Tips

Wear sunscreen! It was unseasonably warm in 2014 when I ran it and there's a lot of open areas where there's no shad so I definitely got some sun that day.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Take the METRA and get off at Roslyn, not Pentagon on race day. Also plan ahead for security line at packet pickup and race day.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2014

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2014


I love the extra burst of energy you feel as you run along the National Mall and see monuments and museums. Best photo ops of any marathon I've done! It's also a very moving/symbolic/personal race because of the Blue Mile, military remembers running with full gear and packs, and countless others wearing shirts honoring loved ones who have lost their lives serving our country.

Race Tips

Steepest downhill is at mile 4. Rock Creek park out and back is fun because you get to see other runners. Prepare to get a little emotional in the Blue Mile. Miles 16-20 are along the National Mall and that really perked me up! Great scenery! The 14th street bridge after mile 20 felt like the longest part. Few spectators, and it went forever. Mile 22 in Crystal City had a misting machine -- aah, unexpected treat! Save room for the donut holes (Munchkins) at mile 24, to get you through the last miles where you're running through the same section you ran through at the start.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Great crowd support and fun for spectators. This course doesn't require friends and family to do a half-marathon of their own to cheer for you. They can see you at multiple locations and the website even has a spectator guide.

5 / 5 Stars

  Incredible race and expo. Very organized and just an overall great experience

By about 2013


Expo was great with many vendors. Course was challenging enough. The blue mile will give you chills and choke you up. Probably my favorite marathon

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Georgetown, the mall, many of the memorials, rock creek... to finish at the Iwo Jima. I have run 8 different beautiful marathons, with better times, but this is special, is the one to enjoy.

Race Tips

It is not an easy course and for that I was not thinking in a BQ. Probably because of that I started very conservative and finished strong (almost 5 minutes faster the second half). The aid stations are more than adequate.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The organization is outstanding and when I run in 2013 it was very easy to get by metro to the start.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Loved the support from the public
Course was perfect- marked well
Had plenty of drink and bathroom areas
Supportive marines all along the course
Music everywhere
Finish area had nice vendors

Race Tips

Get there early to get your spot for your pace goal.

Barely any hills. No significant inclines.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


I love this race (I have done 92 marathons) for the views and things to do in the city for days and days in our nations capital.

Race Tips

Don't go crazy for the first 2/3, because Haines Point will kick your butt.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Find a hotel close to a subway. I like the Key Bridge Marriott as it is a short walk from the finish line.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


The ability to go sight seeing while running a marathon.

Race Tips

Enjoy the serenity out by Hains Point after the noise and congestion near the Capitol.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Amazing course. Very well organized and start to finish a great experience.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Awesome! Best marathon, hands down!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Awesome! Best marathon, hands down!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Amazing race. Spectators line the route almost the entire way. Beautiful course through our nation's capital... This year (2013) they didn't let you use backpacks because of the tragedy in Boston. I had planned on running with a Camelbak and the last minute notice of this policy change was upsetting.

Race Tips

It is a very crowded race. Make sure you get there early so you can join up with a pacing group. Don't get too antsy with the crowd. The first couple miles will be slow... Midway through the race (miles 10-14) are along a quiet stretch. Don't get caught up in the moment and push too fast [like I did] during these miles. Relax and enjoy the beauty of DC.

*Note: There are pacers for this race now!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Arrive early. Book a hotel far in advanced. Use the metro: too many streets are blocked off/shut down the day of race.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2011


Flat course a zillion spectators and loop through the park makes easy for family to see. Lovely scenery too.

Race Tips

Hope for cool weather. No shade!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Take public transport in and out.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2010


Great organization. Fun course through DC.

Race Tips

The bridge back to Virginia seems interminable: break it up into sections and promise to run hard through each.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Start on the road away from the river. It is less crowded and there is cover if you need to use the woods at the last minute.

5 / 5 Stars


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