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Mesa Marathon Reviews

Mesa Marathon
4.6 Stars from 26 Runners

  Go for it!

By about 2024


Love the early start, beautiful residential area going down hill first 4 miles, 5 and 6 up then downhill again flattens out second half on highways in commercial and strip malls type area to a beautiful finish.

Race Tips

Run by feel!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Sheraton is right at finish line, expo is there and buses across the street to take you to start.

5 / 5 Stars

  Great race, poor communication at the start

By about 2024


This course is a point to point with an elevation drop of 1000ft. The expo was great. The throwaways gloves were a major plus and the shirts were nice. Staying at the host hotel is key (if you are out of town). Busses pick up from 4:30-5:15. Go early! I walked out of the hotel at 4:45 and the bus line was LONG! didn't get to the start until 6:05 with the bus line wait and drive. There were adequate porta potties and the heaters at the start were really great. Bag drop off was super easy. Everyone was very kind and encouraging. My only and biggest complaint is that there was a delay at the start but ZERO communication about it. I warmed up and was expecting to start at 6:30 but sat in the cold rain for 20 minutes. Then all of a sudden people ahead of me started moving - there was no warning! no opportunity to warm up again or get ready! The first 4 miles are an elevation drop of 400 ft. Be careful not to go out too fast like I did. Miles 5-6 are uphill but it is very gradual. It really wasn't that bad at all and you are running towards a mountain which is cool. You then descend from 7-12 more gradually. The route is beautiful. It flattens out around 12.5 and you are on very wide roads with plenty of room. I felt safe the whole time. There isn't as much scenery on the back half but there was lots of crowd support. Our year it got rainy and was very cold, but I know that isn't normal for the desert. There was water and gatorade about every 2 miles. There were at least 4-5 water stops with gu roctane and 2-3 with oranges. I never felt like there wasn't enough fuel/water. Volunteers were really great. I would highly recommend this race. It is very fast. I got my BQ by almost 10 minutes. I was really only expecting to get it by 5-7 minutes. Medals were bland, but honestly who cares! I got a BQ.

5 / 5 Stars

  Best Marathon Ever!

By about 2023


I have run 30+ marathons, including 8 Bostons. This was the best! There were plenty of porta-potties and electric tiki lights for warmth at the start. Runners were allowed to remain on the buses, but the weather was warm enough that outside waiting was comfortable. The race started on a dark,mystical mesa lined with enormous cacti. As we descended, we could see the lights of Mesa below. The initial descent was not so steep that I could not take full advantage. The "hill" at 5-6 miles was also gradual. After the halfway point the course was basically flat, and like all marathons it was a bit boring at the end as we ran past strip malls. The course was mostly straight, but all turns were well marked so that runners could find the tangent. The surface was all paved roads in good shape. Water and Gatorade were provided every 2 miles. I only encountered one Gu stop at 17 miles. You should probably bring your own gels. There were also no clocks on the course, so a good sports watch is a must. There were well-staffed pace groups at 15 minute intervals. I had my race bib sent to me in advance, so I did not attend the Expo. The race shirt was well-fitted and did not contain advertisements. The finisher's metal commemorated the Phoenix bird . The age-group award was a skimpy patch, but I did get a nice luggage tag because I BQ'ed. I did a "post pandemic" PR, and qualified for Boston.

Race Tips

Nutrition: plan to pack your own gels or other food
Time: plan to wear a sports watch to track elapsed time/ pace

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Hotel: The Marriott is lovely but both in the morning and after finishing the race, the main roads between the hotel and the race were blocked. (Rio Salado, University) It might be better to stay in one of the hotels in Riverbend Park near the start/finish, unless you don't mind a little walk.

5 / 5 Stars

  Stunning start!

By about 2023


Great start with stunning views of huge cacti and desert. Fireworks to start amd gradual downhill half with about a mile and half of uphill that is not too bad. Second half is more residential and city highway so not as picturesque. Great expo at Sloan baseball park, great finish with beer tent and nice swag u can get. Bonus Sheraton hotel is 100m from finish line and bus pick up! 5 star race

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Sheraton hotel, 100m from finish line

5 / 5 Stars

  Looking for a PR and/or BQ - Run Mesa!

By about 2020


Fast course and good chance for great marathon weather in February in Mesa. 2020 weather was PERFECT! There are a couple of uphill miles (miles 5&6) but not too bad and good to get them done early. No corrals at start but with 2200 runners, a wide two lane road with paved shoulders there was a good amount of room and it wasn't too long before runners thinned out. Majority of the downhill is first half with the second half being pretty flat. I hand picked this race after lots of research online for my first BQ attempt and made it by 3:06 min:sec. Yay! Hope it's enough for Boston Marathon 2021. I would definitely put this marathon at the top of the lists for BQ races in February. Cool free gift to all runners who put up a BQ time got a Mesa Marathon running hat.

Race Tips

Pace yourself, remember it's a marathon. Don’t start too fast for the first 4 miles which are a nice downhill. Be ready for some uphill miles (5&6) and then two of the faster miles are next (7&8). Settle in for a steady final 18 miles of less downhill and/or pretty flat. Bus ride to the start was a first for me. I caught bus at 4:45 got to start area around 5:20 and had over a hour to kill before 6:30 start. Spent time hanging out by heaters and pit fires 🔥 and waiting in porta potties. Wait wasn’t that bad, just be aware of how the buses work. Last bus leaves at 5:15 if you want a shorter wait.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Best hotel logistically by far is near the finish line (Hyatt Place Mesa). Close enough to walk to buses in morning which take you to the starting line. All full marathoners are required to take the bus it's the only way to get to the start area of the marathon.

5 / 5 Stars

  Great race overall

By about 2020


Great race overall. Expo is about as expected for a marathon of this size. LOOONG lines for the porta-potties at the start. Zero corral organization meant that there were lots of slower runners close to the front; in a marathon of this size, that meant about 3 mi of jockeying for position, dodging people, trying to catch up with pace group (if relevant), etc. I wish the start were organized in corrals or waves to reduce the unnecessary running around at the beginning, but other than that, it was awesome.

Race Tips

Be really careful not to do the first four miles too fast; adrenaline is up, they're super downhill, and the temptation to jackrabbit the start is high. Mi 4.5-6 is a long slow climb (2-4% grade the whole way). Lots more mega-downhill mi 6-9, so once again, pace carefully to save quads for the flatlands from 10-ish on.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Highly recommend getting dropped at the start rather than trying to park; just use an Uber or have family drop you off. Also, much easier to be dropped off at the Starbucks or something (NE or SE corner of Dobson and Bass Pro) and then cross Dobson to the buses rather than pulling into the parking area and getting stuck there. This was my first year doing this race and everyone said to get an early bus so there would be no line for the potties, which I did. I caught a bus about 4:45 and was at the start probably 5:15 or so. No trouble using a potty. And then, because this is how excretory systems work, I had to go to the bathroom again at 6:00, and the lines were long. Would have been just as easy to stay home a little longer, get a later bus, and have spent less time in the cold trying to stay warm pre-race since the last-minute potty stop was inevitable. Unless you're able to pee 1.5 hours ahead of time and then not need to go again, there's no way around the fact that 1) you'll need to use the bathroom at 6-6:15, and 2) the lines will be long. Use a flashlight on your phone, go off 20 feet into the desert, and water a cactus, you know?

5 / 5 Stars

  Fast, But Crowded Course Last 10K

By about 2019


This is a fast PR course, however the race organizers have chosen to start the half and full at the same time on the same course. If you are a faster marathoner you will spend the last approximately 10K weaving around all the walkers who often take up the whole road. I was recently at Grandma's Marathon where they start the half marathon 1.5 hours before the marathon to avoid this very issue. For this reason I would not recommend this race to others.

Race Tips

As above, be prepared for slower runners and walkers in the later stages of the race. You aren't separated until there are about 200m left in the race.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Some runners showing up later for the buses to the start had a very long wait. If you arrive early for the busses there is limited waiting and you can have a more relaxed atmosphere getting to the start.

2 / 5 Stars

  Best finishing experience

By about 2019


Course is amazing. Plenty of aid stations.

5 / 5 Stars

  Badly organized, not great crowd support

By about 2019


I did this race in 2019 and was very disappointed by the course organization. The course start is really badly organized. It took me close to an hour to get parked due to traffic. The buses also left WAY later than the race website claimed would be the last bus. If I recall correctly, the buses left something like 45 minutes later than the website said the last bus would leave. As a result of this mishaps, I ended up with no time to warmup at the start line and in fact started late.

The first 10 miles of the course is pretty but, after that, it's not super scenic. Not a lot of crowd support.

Race Tips

Go out easy. It's very tempting to take advantage of the steep downhill in the first half but resist that temptation and aim for your target overall pace during the first 3-4 miles. If you have not done a downhill marathon before, downhill marathons wreck your muscles and so trying to take advantage of the downhill will cost you big time in the last 6.2 miles.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The race organizers just need to fix the start of this race.

2 / 5 Stars

  Great Course for PR!

By about 2019


Expo was very good. The normal vendors were there that travel around to all the decent size marathons.

Bus ride to starting point of race was good because you were able to stay on the bus until the race started. This allowed us to stay warm until we were ready to race. Plenty of portable bathrooms at the start line. Finish line was awesome. Many vendors and even a nice BQ visor is given to those that BQ. Over 20% BQ'd on this course in 2019 even with the new 5 minute faster standards. Great weather as well. 40 degrees at the start and 50 degrees at the finish line this year.

Race Tips

Miles 1-4 are downhill the entire way. Make sure you only go no more than 10-15 seconds faster than your goal marathon pace.

Miles 5-6 are a decent uphill climb through a very nice neighborhood. I backed it off about 30 seconds slower than goal marathon pace. This strategy the first 6 miles allowed me to still be fresh at the end of the first 6 miles.

Miles 7-11 were steadly down hill or flat. The downhill you could barely tell but helpful.

Miles 12-26.2 are almost all pancake flat except for a small little bridge you go down under the bridge and then back up. These miles you just set in on your goal marathon pace and hang on.

During your training leading up to the race, make sure you train on long uphills and downhills at the paces I mentioned above to let your body get used to the course you are about to run. This is a great course with great weather. Very organized also. It would be easy to let excitement of the beginning of the race and the 4 miles downhill make you go 30 seconds or more faster than your goal marathon pace, but train yourself to stick to your plan. Good luck on your new PR and BQ. This course is the one to do it on!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Make sure you get to the bus early enough so you don't get left by the last bus while you are waiting in line.

5 / 5 Stars

  My fastest downhill marathon.

By about 2018


For me running a downhill marathon was more relaxing, because I could let the momentum of the course dictate my pace. Fortunately, I ran in the 3:30 pace group (did not go out to fast) and at mile 24 was able to leave group, and slightly increase my pace.

Race Tips

I didn't allow enough time to catch the bus. There was more traffic then I expected. Next time I would allow more time.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

My advice is to have a hotel close to bus pickup area, and obtain a ride to start. So you can be dropped off.

5 / 5 Stars

  Loved this race!

By about 2018


This race was great from start to finish. Loved the fireworks in the beginning of the race. There were heat lamps and small fire pits to keep you warm. Lines for bathrooms were long and many people went behind the cactus along the road instead. First 4-5 miles were downhill and felt amazing. It was pitch black but the road was smooth, so I didn't worry about tripping on anything. Not many spectators along the route, and I liked that there weren't too many turns along the course. The water stations were entertaining with costumes and funny signs--I guess there is a contest for the best station. Finish line goodies were plentiful-- I am not a huge fan of french toast, but it tasted so good after running 26.2 miles. Got a PR and a BQ at this race. I would come back for sure!

5 / 5 Stars

  Cold, fast, lots of PRs and BQs

By about 2018


Weather was not just ideal... it was perfect. High 30s into 40s, with sun behind you and very little breeze.

I loved the course. I love the shirt. I love my BQ visor. I loved the aid stations- there was one about mile 9 with tons of funny signs, and everyone was really nice.

I did not love parking at the start- traffic was a mess.

I did not love the 3:15 or the 3:25 pace groups which went off way too fast. (I have the numbers- the 3:25 group passed me in mile 1 and I was going 7:25). Oh well- I ran alone all the time in training, and my plan was to conserve energy in the downhill first half, so I had gas in the tank for the second half.

Wonderful race.

Race Tips

Great advice to consider other ways into the parking at the beginning (from the west, not the highway, for example.) The race advice on the race site was good- conserve energy at the beginning- you'll have plenty of time to empty the tank in the flat second half.

There is only one hill on the course at mile 4-5.5. Ease up- there is a long downhill after the crest to make up that time.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Hyatt Place is right at the finish, expo, starting bus pickup. If I was solo, I'd stay there.

We stayed at the Holiday Inn Club Vacation in Scottsdale- very nice, affordable place with big pools for the kids who had a blast. 20 minutes from the start (not counting getting into parking lot once we arrived.)

5 / 5 Stars

  Great race on a fast course!

By about 2018


The race started at 6 am, which meant it was pitch black outside and chilly (about 38 degrees). But you can stay on the buses to keep warm and they do provide bonfires and heating lamps as well. There are ample portapotties but the lines were still long. The start was great with lots of energy and even fireworks! While the more scenic parts of the course were unfortunately under the cover of darkness, running the first hour in the dark under beautiful starry skies was amazing! The roads were smooth and clear so I wasn't worried about my footing but you can wear a headlamp and drop it later in the race at a designated spot. About the time the sun comes up you're off the main hill and back in the city. This remainder is a bit boring with lots of long straight lines and less spectators. You do end up running into the back end of the half marathon walkers, who annoyingly walk abreast of each other and in the shorter lines of the course. I ended up running on the sidewalks a lot to avoid them, as well as to get a break from the camber of the road which became more severe during the end of the race. Aid stations were great, weather was perfect at 38 degrees start and 42 degrees finish. Race was well organized and the shuttles worked well, once you got to them. Medal was beautiful and post race was good.

Race Tips

First 4 miles are fast downhill and easy to go out too hard. Then 4-6 are uphill that is noticeable. From there on out it's all a gradual downhill. Definitely control your pace in the first part and then back off on the uphill. Negative split isn't easy to do here because of the first four miles but if you're within five minutes of your first half I think that's pretty good.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

We arrived at the highway exit at 4:15 am to find standstill traffic to get off at exit 11. There was no way we'd make it in time so we drove to the next exit and came back to exit 10 to get off. Ignore the first left for event parking and go a few lights farther south and park in the Walmart lot. It's a little longer walk to the bus loading but you're much closer to the finish line and it's a lot easier to get out after the race. They said the last shuttle would leave promptly at 4:45 am but there was no way all of the runners could make that with the traffic congestion. Best bet is to actually come in from the west or south not via the highway and avoid that whole mess.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2017


Excellent organization for a mid size marathon, beautiful start at the desert, starts early which is great very serious runner oriented.

Race Tips

Do not go very fast at the beginning since it is downhill but you will need some savings for the second half (flat).

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Stay at Hyatt Place in front of finish line and avoid huge lines of traffic to get to the buses at 5 am before the races start. Locals, arrive early !!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2017


This year the weather was near perfect for running. It was a little cool at the start but they allowed runners that wanted to, to stay in the buses to stay warm till racer start time

Race Tips

Most of the down hill is in the first half

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2017


Pros: Fast course if you get the right weather; in 2017 low 40's at gun and low 50's when I finished; very little wind. There is plenty of people to run with in most pace ranges. The bus-to-start system is highly organized and we stayed on the bus until doing a bag check & 1-mile warm up.

Cons: The one hill on the course; just being time greedy...but it stole about 30-40 seconds off my overall finish. Running into a hoard of half-marathon finishers including those walking 3-4 abreast; I had to run the last several miles like a pinball. Nothing scenic to look at on back half of course. Bottom-line: Sign-up for this race is you want a chance at a PR; then pray for nice weather and pace yourself appropriately.

Race Tips

Go for a slight-positive to even-split; slow down on the hill section and let yourself speed up on the downhill afterward. This course allows you to build confidence with the overall downhill on the 1st Half; then hopefully you can continue to keep your pace on the back half. Pick a goal pace at least 8 weeks out and incorporate some tempo runs that are 10 to 15 seconds faster than MP goal pace so you will be prepared for the speedier downhill miles.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

We stayed in central Phoenix and interstate was dead to traffic that early in morning; saved a bunch of $ staying further out. We did get up at 2:30 and arrive at the bus loading grounds before 4:00 and loaded a bus at 4:30. All of us that parked where the Full Parking was designated had a major traffic jam getting out of over an 1-hr. You can easily park where Half is designated and just as easily walk to the Full Marathon bus loading.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2017


Fast course, great weather, highly organized and top notch finishers area. Loved the medal as well.

Race Tips

Get up early and get to the shuttle busses with time to spare. Avoid going out too fast on long descent in the first 4 miles.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Hyatt Place is the place to stay...walk to shuttle busses in the morning, walk to room after race. Great pool and hot tub.

5 / 5 Stars

  Not too many people, space to run

By about 2016


Very nice temperatures, net downhill, started very early in the morning - a fast start. Not too many people, space to run.

Race Tips

Last half of race is dead flat. I was not ready for that. Even a little roller here and there would have helped ready for a first first half, flat second half. I had trained in the winter on a treadmill mostly feet did not like the flat pounding.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

We stayed in Phoenix. I took at Uber at 4:30 to parking lot, was on first bus to desert start. Got clean bathrooms and then hung in the bus. It was cold.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


February weather in Arizona is great! The course and support is phenomenal. You can control the course and receive a Urst good payoff for your training!

Race Tips

First half has a good amount of downhill so make sure your legs are ready for the pounding. Second half is flat to small decline. Pace smart and you can negative split.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Easy course for Boston qualification. Well supported and the first 13 miles are beautiful. Very organized.

Race Tips

The course pacers are outstanding. They have been pacing for years. Be careful at the beginning. Don't trash your legs on the downhill.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

It's a Saturday race. If you can, stay overnight close to the venue. Make sure you are to the busses early. Use the porta johns as soon as you get off the bus at the start or you won't get to use it.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


I like everything about the Phoenix Marathon. The weather is predictably good; the race is well organized; and the course is conducive to a BQ!

Race Tips

The best place to stay is the Hyatt Place in Mesa. Super convenient to walk to the buses to the starting line, right next to the finish line and walking distance to the expo. Plus the hotel staff is wonderful and so accommodating to the runners.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


It was very hot by the time we finished. The first third of the race was very pretty and scenic. The middle third was bleak/industrial. Several main thoroughfares were closed for the marathon and local citizens were not happy about it. Several people yelled derogatory comments, not vulgar but things like 'you guys suck' and 'I hope you don't finish'. Having never experienced anything but positive vibes and cheering in past marathons/races it was a little shocking.

Race Tips

Train in heat. That will be hard if you live in a legit winter state because the race was in February, maybe do some indoor running on a treadmill to get ready for a warm run.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Hard not to take advantage of the early downhill and not try to bank time but don't, you'll regret it about mile 16 when things get flat and hot.

2 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


The race is well organized, but, other than the beginning is not very scenic. it is very fast, but is also not very transparent about it's charitable efforts.

Race Tips

Run even splits even though the race is downhill for the first 13.1. Save energy on the first half so you can keep the pace.

3 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


I like the downhill course. Aid stations are great. Weather is usually good. Last 6 miles of course are a bit boring. Last mile has a nice downhill for faster finish.

Race Tips

Get to early buses. Don't wait. Last buses don't leave enough time to get through potty lines. I got there early but it was bad for last few buses. Also, check weather. Last year was 15 degrees above normal. You have to adjust for that or even defer.

Watch uphill miles 4-6. Slow down.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Get to buses early. Park farther away in shopping center to get out faster after.

Stay in finish line area as long as you need or want food and water. Food there, of you can eat after, is incredible.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2014


Great race overall, outstanding organization, pacers, smooth course with nice downhill sections. A definate PR course and I have run a dozen different marathons. Go fast in the first half and hold onto your pace and your time will be amazing. Cool start with heaters and fireworks. A nice small town feel with lots of fast runners. WIll not dissapoint as long as the weather is normal, around 50 at the start. It was the best marathon for those that love to go fast......Do the Phoenix and smile,,,also a BQ for me,,,double smile.....Mike from S.Diego

Race Tips

Fast first 5 miles, downhill, one mile up but smooth then a gradual drop to 18 and then level until the last downhill, beautiful, mile and finish. Around 50 at the start and 60 at the end. Good pacers, water stations exactly every two miles. Small expo but great finish line and food places.......

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I stayed in Tempe, and saved a lot of money since its only 10 minutes to drive. If you have no car, definitely stay by the bus pickup. Lots of restaurants,,,you name it. A bit crowded, but get there early and its nearly vacant.

5 / 5 Stars


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