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Providence Marathon Reviews

Providence Marathon
3.1 Stars from 14 Runners

  Lots of hills

By about 2023


If you're hoping to qualify for Boston in this race, you might be disappointed unless you thrive on hills and don't mind possible heat. The course was more challenging than advertised (advertised as flat!). The scenery was great, though!

Race Tips

Find a pacer and do your best to keep up!

2 / 5 Stars

  Tough course

By about 2023


Nice course, really enjoyed running the bike paths, but this course was hilly and not well separated from traffic. I felt like I was dodging traffic cones for the first half. It was warm and that coupled with the hills scattered throughout made this a tough course for good performance. I wish I had brought my own water as the water on the course was warm and cups were small. The volunteers could not keep up with the demand of the runners and were dunking the cups in big thermoses of water with their bare hands. The Gatorade, if that's what it was, was not separated from water and tasted horrible, not sure what flavor they were using.

I was too beat up from the run to actually check out the after party, but I did appreciate having parking so close. It was an easy race to get to from out of town. I did wish it had started earlier because of the heat.

Race Tips

Train for hills!

3 / 5 Stars

  False Advertising!

By about 2023


The website says "flat and smooth" ... there is nothing flat about this course! It is a challenging, rolling hills course that offers little to no shade on a hot day! They also need to do a better job with course support and directing runners! I missed a key turn right after water stop 9.5 and ended up with 26.87 miles! Not cool! Also, a medical tent - with Vaseline would have been very helpful for burning chafing!

Race Tips

Incorporate lots of hill work in your training! And Be prepared for the short but steept hill as you take the turn at mile 26!

2 / 5 Stars

  Maybe worth it only for locals

By about 2023


Course advertised as "flat and smooth", which is not. Hilly first 8 and last 6 miles. Most of the flat sections are on a bike path with some good views of the Providence River at times, but otherwise it's far from scenic. Lots of running between the curb and traffic cones on busy streets or highways, many areas with potholes, and occasionally cops trying to diverge traffic from crossing in front of runners (just a few roads near the start/finish are closed for the race). Crowd support was nice near downtown and in some isolated areas along the course but overall just OK. Plenty of water stations but lacking enough people and water to make them useful as I was not able to get water in most of them. I got a Gatorade at the finish but no water and it was a hot day! Post-race party is in a nice open area but found it unimpressive as there was not a lot of food for runners. You do get a free beer and that's it.

Race Tips

Because it's in May in Southern New England, this race has more odds to be in the warm side. This year (2023) was hot and sunny. Be aware that the course has essentially no shaded areas, not even in the bike path, so be prepared. Aid stations are not functional (see above). If it's a hot day, I advise carrying your own water/fluid. The hills after 20 miles are significant, therefore not a good choice for PR.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

There are many hotels in walking distance from the start/finish. I ended up staying in an Airbnb 10 min away driving because I had to use a gift card but would have staying in the hotels otherwise. Three months before the race when I registered the hotels had reasonable prices. Paid parking on raceway near the start was easier than I thought and inexpensive but don't expect to find street parking unless you arrive very early.

2 / 5 Stars

  Town not prepared at all

By about 2023


Roads were not closed so you were fighting with cars in order to run the race. I was running with the 3:30 group and the water stops ran out of cups and water. People were collapsing on the course from the heat, there were no med tents, and no one available to help. Cops/EMTs were not prepared, didnt have water or electrolytes to help anyone. City appeared wildly unprepared to host a race. Water stops had water and clear gatorade in the same cups and tables were not separated and they didnt tell you which one they were giving you. Water cups were small to begin with and only filled a quarter of the way.

Race Tips

Better course description. Elevation map is not accurate and course is not flat as described on website.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

More water, better trained volunteers, more city prep, closed roads.

1 / 5 Stars

  TRAFFIC, beaten down roads, ran out of cups

By about 2023


Running beside cones along traffic, cops stopping traffic to pass, beat up roads, running out of cups, being denied an extra water at finish line.

Race Tips

My tip is do not do it.

1 / 5 Stars

  Not Great

By about 2022


No super impressed with this marathon. The hills were really tough and it was hot (neither are in the race's control, but it should be noted). Not a good PR course.

My biggest issues are the lack of medical support at the finish (I watched MANY runners collapse at the finish line and just lay there - they didn't have enough medical support and I even witnessed moments when the EMT wasn't even paying attention). Several support locations ran out of cups and I heard a race official scolding the finish line volunteers about not giving out extra waters.

I also think the race is now large enough that they should offer tracking for spectators. I know it's an expense, but with this many people, I think it should be feasible.

Don't think I'll be back and don't think I'll recommend it if asked.

2 / 5 Stars


By about 2022

4 / 5 Stars

  Scenic and well organized, not ideal for PR

By about 2021


Great aid stations and lots of people cheering runners! The hills and heat make this course not ideal for PR

Race Tips

Save some energy for the final few miles. Couple of big hills where I saw several runners bonk

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Parking was convenient at the mall. If you'd like to stay downtown, book the hotel far in advanced... surge prices are real

4 / 5 Stars

  Hillier than advertised

By about 2021


Course is fairly quick. The rolling hills can be a killer if one does not pace properly.

The weather this year was nice at the start but got up to 70 F toward the end. All in all, this course isn't terrible but good weather and near perfect pacing is a must if you plan to go for a significant PB.

3 / 5 Stars

  Flat, fast and scenic

By about 2017


Loved the course, support, refreshments. The only downside is the last 2 times it got pretty warm. Not really in anyone's control. The new race organization is so much better. Same day reg is a breeze, plenty of parking and a well marked course.

Race Tips

Race day can be warm, tough hill at mile 23, be prepared for a very scenic run.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Parking garages are everywhere, in a city like providence this is your best bet.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Excellent support staff. Easy parking. Super fast! Great BQ race!!

Race Tips

Expect cool temperatures. Easy negative split race course.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Wonderful hotels downtown. The Omni is great and downtown mall has nice restaurants

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2014


There were many water stops and port-a-potties along the course. There is a lot of running on a bike path that is nice and flat. The wind on 5.4.14 was brutal on the bike path heading back to finish. There is not much to look at on course and there were some bad pot holes to watch out for.

4 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Great course. Steeper hills than expected though. Aid stations were as promised. BIG CON was the weather. It got pretty warm. Started in the low 60's... ending in higher 60's. However, that has nothing to do with the race director or the flow.

Race Tips

A good bit of the course is on a bike path... The rest is on open road. The race can be evenly paced if you are trained well. (I have a tendency to have a positive split. :-(

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

We stayed at the Providence Biltmore. Very nice hotel. A two room suite was discounted to $144 a night. We flew in from SC and rented a car.

5 / 5 Stars


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