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REVEL Mt. Charleston Marathon Reviews

REVEL Mt. Charleston Marathon
5.0 Stars from 22 Runners

  Fast and Furious

By about 2024


Well run race and great expo explaining how best to run the race. Not much crowd support but beautiful scenery. It is very cold 12 degrees wind chill and you have an hour or more wait, Bring clothes for the drop bag. They did have heaters that helped.

Race Tips

Train running many long downhills or repeats because it is extremely fast. Run at 70% effort and let gravity do the work because you need to save it for later when your legs are tired.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Stayed at the host resort and bought the bus ticket to make it convenient. Try to get as late a bus as you can so your wait is the least.

5 / 5 Stars

  No Better Race

By about 2023


I run almost 100 marathons. Revel marathon - especially Mount Charleston. It's an early bus ride, but very organized, and the volunteers always make sure everyone makes it to the start (even if you are rushing trying to find a parking spot, looking for the bus, and at the tail end of the line).

The course is fast!!!! beautiful and full of water, electrolyte and gel stations. I've never carried my own.

I have never got lost (which is a horrible deal) The crowds and volume of cheers is awesome at the finish! No better race!!

Race Tips

This year (I've run it 3 times), I paid attention to the suggestions about running downhill - very helpful on getting me through last 6 with more leg energy

5 / 5 Stars

  Train for hills

By about 2022


Well organized, and a great race if you are a strong hill runner. Strength training (leg day), and training on hills will help. Fight the temptation to bank time - the first half is 3000 ft down, making it tempting to get greedy. I broke 3 hours (2:58:15), setting a 5 minute PR.

Race Tips

Be sure you know how your shoes fit with downhill running! I sacrificed a toe nail and attempted "surgery" around mile 20 (blood blister under my big toe, used a pin from my bib), which cost me time, but was worth it - it felt like someone was taking a hammer to that toe with every step! Also, be prepared for temperature to rise by 20+ degrees from start to finish. With the dry heat, you won't feel your sweat, so going by feel will backfire in those late miles.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Stayed on the strip and had a rental car. Smooth getting to and on the bus and to the starting line. I wish this race started 30 minutes earlier (or a month earlier). It would have made a big difference with the heat - there's no shade or clouds, so if it's warming up, you just bake.

5 / 5 Stars

  BQ & PR Potential!

By about 2022


The race course and race organization are both top-notch. The race start was cold (30s), the race finish was hot (70s). Bring throw away layers! Study the race course, 4% downhill is steep, there are some hidden hills you can't see on the elevation map because of it. I came from sea level one day prior, and had no issues with acclimating to the higher elevation.

The only issue I had was too few people handing out water/nuun. After I missed water at the first station, I made sure to stop and grab my own for most of the rest of the aid stations.

Race Tips

I read many race recaps of this race & everyone blew up in the last 10k. Therefore I ran off of heart rate and made sure the first half felt easy. Using this strategy, I was able to negative split, BQ and get a 6 minute PR. The last 10k was still brutal, but I was able to run the whole time and finish strong. Strength training for runners definitely helped me with this course! This was my 18th marathon and I have never been more sore because of all the downhill.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I took the shuttle from the Vegas strip with no issue (stayed at the nearby Holiday Inn, which has a full kitchen). You can grab a coffee/banana at the gas station in front of the platinum hotel before boarding. The space blanket and throw away gloves from packet pick-up are so useful! Plenty of port-a-potties at the start line. Took a very long time after the race to grab gear check, so if you don't need to use it, you'll save some time.

5 / 5 Stars

  Amazing organization, got my BQ!

By about 2022


All around great race! I'm in pain now, but very proud of my performance.

Race Tips

There were warnings not to go too fast the first half. I ignored these, banked as much time as I could, and by the time I hit the harder last 10K I could have almost walked and still BQ'd, which is a great feeling.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Strip bus was convenient. You have to get up early so if you are traveling from the East Coast, DONT ACCLIMATE; I went to bed at 6 PDT pre race, up at 130AM.

5 / 5 Stars

  Love the Revel race !!

By about 2020


This is easy Course of 26.2 miles and the down hill is legit , the last mille it is flat but it is not a big deal only couples of miles believe me ! I got PR Shaved -14 minutes then my previous race thats huge got BQ Amen :) Highly recommended for everyone looking for PR ,PB or BQ . Staff , the event ,merchandize , T shirt , hat etc & food are awesome perfecto ! The Medal Supercool . I'll be back !! #SchwarzeneggerMode

Race Tips

Just let it flow run downhill as fast as you can !

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Air BNB near finished line or the hotel sponsor good to go

5 / 5 Stars

  Superb race. Well run.

By about 2020


Fantastically run race. I thought the Marine Corps Marathon was well run. This one tops that! Everything was well planned out. Race communication was on point. Precautions for COVID-19 were thorough at the Limited Edition race. I'm already signed up for the next race. I highly recommend REVEL and this course was just amazing.

Race Tips

Take advantage of REVEL's coach. He does a phenomenal job prepping you for the downhill course. Wear layers as it gets warm fast. Strengthen your quads. Course has plenty of aid stations. Don't fret running in the high elevation.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Arrive a couple days early. Drive the course. Take a quick practice run for 1/2 mile at the beginning of the course to confirm that you can handle the first small uphill at 7,600 feet of elevation. It will alay your fears.

5 / 5 Stars

  Fast Race, Long Recovery

By about 2019


Great Race! Thanks REVEL for all your hard work. Ran a PR and my 2nd BQ time. I thought I had done plenty of downhill training, but I wish now I had done more. My time was almost exactly what I had set as my goal, but it has taken me much longer to recover from this race than previous marathons. I attribute that to not enough downhill training. Still, don't be afraid to register for this awesome, fast marathon.

5 / 5 Stars

  Incredibly fast course

By about 2019


Revel Mt. Charleston is pretty close to downhill all the way, and it's scenic, especially at the top. There's almost no crowd support along the course, but you don't run this race for crowd support; you run it to go fast.

Race Tips

It's a steeper downhill at the top. Resist the temptation to go out fast and bank a lot of time. You'll have to work harder nearer the finish, so don't pound your quads harder than you have to at the start.

5 / 5 Stars

  Fast race if you prepare properly

By about 2018


I targeted this race for a BQ and it delivered.

Race Tips

As with any point-to-point, you have to get up quite early. Bring extra clothes to stay warm before the start. If you are on one of the first buses you can grab a seat/table in the lodge when you arrive; otherwise you can either stand in the lodge and stay warm or bundle up and sit outside. I preferred to rest my legs and bundled up. You should plan for a 20F - 30F temperature rise over the race. In 2018, it was quite warm at the end (high 70s) and many people were dehydrated. If I were to do it again, I would run with my own hydration to supplement the water stops. Even 2-3 drinks at each water stop was not enough for me. The relative humidity was in the low teens. The first 2/3 of the race is directly into the sun, so have sunglasses. Also realize that you will be running above one mile high for the first 9 miles or so, so your heart rate will be a little more elevated than you might be used to in the beginning of a race, so plan for that. But you do get the downhill, and it's a nice steady downhill with no rapid drops. The last few miles really feel like a slow uphill grind, even if the numbers don't show it. I planned for it, passed nearly 200 people in the second half, and I still ran my last few miles a minute slower than my average race pace. Ensure your preparation includes a lot of cross-training that focuses on the quads and hamstrings - dips, squats, lunges, stairs, etc.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

If you stay on the Strip, stay near Bally's so you can catch that bus.

5 / 5 Stars

  Great course. Well organized.

By about 2017


Great course. Well organized. Got a PR.

Race Tips

Practice lots of downhill runs with some uphill at the end. Weather was cool at start and warm at end but could potentially be very warm at the end.

5 / 5 Stars

  Awesome fast run

By about 2017


Was an awesome breathtaking downhill course that is a fast bq. No complaints as everything was awesome

Race Tips

Its all downhill except 2 small uphills in first few miles and around mile 21 was a out and back that was a gradual uphill.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2017


The temperature was perfect, the wind was not. Was not happy about the last minute course change that added the out and back. All in all, it was a great race though. I BQ'd by 13 minutes and beat my goal by 7 minutes. Would do this race again for sure! Plenty of bathrooms at the top and loved the fact that there was a bathroom on the bus.

Race Tips

Dress warm for the top. Wished I had taken a bus at 4:30 not 4:45 as it took about an hour to get to the top. By the time I stood in line for the bathrooms, it was only 5 minutes to race time so didn't give me much time to be prepared.

5 / 5 Stars

  Fast and Beautiful

By about 2016


Revel offers amazingly beautiful courses, they are mostly downhill & super fast. The course has great volunteers, plenty of water and aid stations, they charter bus you to the start and have an amazing finish line with lots of goodies including a free massage. Revel marathons are an awesome opportunity for a BQ!

Race Tips

Register early because they sell out fast, Prepare your quads for downhill running, get to the charter bus early, they start at higher layer up and take off as you warm up, get ready to BQ!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The expos for Revel races are pretty small, but nice, stay near the marathon bus pick up to avoid traffic, bus pick up to the start is about 4 a.m. so bring some food and hydration with you on the bus

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Fastest marathon yet. I beat out my previous time by 5 minutes-- Big Cottonwood 2016-- and qualified for Boston. Revel does a pretty good job with organizing these events. Beautiful courses and well marked course. This year's course seemed to be a little off on mileage at the beginning but, this could be the result of not being able to run tangents for the first couple of miles with how many people are trying to run in one lane. A staggered start would be nice.

Aid stations in my 3:35 group got a little sparse and the volunteers were having a hard time keeping up at the beginning.

Race Tips

You will go a little faster in the first 20 miles and still have a decline until mile 22. Mile 22-23.5 was tough. Save a little for this section.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The race is point to point. Its cold at the top so I recommend NOT taking the earliest bus. A bus about 10 minutes before the last one is probably ideal in order to use the bathroom and leave your drop bag in time.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


This is a fast steady downhill course, but not so steep that it tears you up

Race Tips

Can be cold at the start line, but that makes for great running once warmed up

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


The route was wonderful.

Race Tips

If you want a BQ you must run it

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I prefer to stay in Las Vegas and rent a car to go, you can park at Target

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


I loved how organized it was. The course was beautiful. The pre run gloves they gave came in handy. Maybe have the water at the finish colder.

Race Tips

Expect the start to be chilly and come with warm clothing. Because of the down hill don't go out too fast, gravity will take you so keep a steady pace.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Parking was not a problem, just try to plan your trip accordingly to leave room for any delays.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Great course, scenic for the first 20 miles, then suburbs to finish. A nice downhill flowing runners course. Love the start in the snow ridge line, perfect weather, low 40's at the start , , finish around 60, definately the fastest course in the west. Just prepare to train on long downhill and some uphills and you can fly in this course.

Race Tips

Best pacing is to hold back with easy pace the first half, but it will be fast with the steepness, then hold on and finish second half strong as slope decreases. Weather was 40 at start 60 at finish, wear layers-shirt, sleevless, tshirt throway, gloves, ski hat, sunglasses as sun can pop out. Aid every 2 miles, every mile has marker,

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Lots of motel choices, north vegas is closer, easy parking for expo and race start. 5 minutes after race to cars. Great buses-high end, not school buses. No fires at start so bring warm clothing to stay warm. Early in the morning, zero traffic so anywhere in Vegas is a short drive to the start, under 25 minutes.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Absolutely the BEST marathon I have ever run! A fast course, but not so fast of a downhill that you feel like you are out of control. I didn't even feel the decline until after the next few days...quads and hamstrings weren't too happy. A BQ and PR by several minutes! Wonderful communication and AWESOME freebies at the start line for the cold top of the mountain temps - beanie, gloves and mylar blanket.

Race Tips

Definitely do some downhill training and plan for snow, rain, hail, sun on race day! The weather constantly changed, but not enough to make much of a difference. Plan to wear layers.

5 / 5 Stars


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