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Tunnel Vision Marathon Reviews

Tunnel Vision Marathon
4.5 Stars from 6 Runners

  Race perfection!

By about 2024


There is not one thing I would improve about this race. The course, the organization, the volunteers, the water stops, even the weather was perfect.

I know that organizers aren't responsible for weather but I don't think there is another place you could even hope for this weather in August.

As promised, most of the race was such a gentle down hill that you didn't feel it, except that it was easy and you were fast. The course was beautiful with lush greenery and tall trees all around.

Even when there weren't branches directly over us, they were providing a feeling of shade and some moisture in the air. Quite a difference from my dry and sun soaked California training.

People coming from humid climates will love it!. The path was a little rocky but very manageable in road shoes without gators and much easier on the legs than pavement. In California our trails are sunbaked clay that is indistinguishable from concrete. There were a few concrete bridges on this course and I could really feel the difference as I crossed.

Volunteers from packet pickup, to the start, through water stations and the finish were all friendly, knowledgeable and upbeat. Answered any question.

Lots of parking at the start and the finish line bus stopped at each parking lot so we didn't have to walk far after the race. They handled the drop bags and drop headlights perfectly - I was prepared to lose mine but I didn't.

I ran the Light at the end of the tunnel about 9 years ago and remembered it fondly. I don't usually repeat races but have had a few bad ones recently and wanted to do one just for the joy. This didn't disappoint. I enjoyed every mile and BQed by almost 17 minutes. I have run over 50 marathons and this is easily in my top 5. I would recommend it to anyone - new or experienced, in it for fun or a fast time.

Race Tips

No need to hold back, just go with the feel, you ARE having a great day and the slope is with you the whole time. It is NOT one of those down hills that leaves your quads crushed so that flat feels insurmountable at the end.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I decide to do this rather late and ended up staying at an airbnb in Fall City the night before. I gave myself plenty of time to drive, there was no traffic and I ended up being quite early. I sat in my car. Though I didn't notice it on the way up, the drive was beautiful after the race from the start back down the mountain. I think you could stay in any of the surrounding communities and be fine.

5 / 5 Stars

  Unique and beautiful well organized marathon

By about 2023


Well run marathon with an army of incredible volunteers. Beautiful and unique, and all downhill. Enough aid stations so that I didn't have to carry water, perfectly spaced out. With so few runners it was not hard to easily grab water or sports drink without stopping. Thanks for am incredible BQ race!

Race Tips

Lots of porta potties at the start. Line builds fast at about 20 mins to go, get in before the rush. Everyone starts out fast, I think it was positioning for the 2 mile tunnel right off the bat. I would have started slower next time. Lots of light in the tunnel from other runners. Along the course it is about 75% shaded which was nice because it was warm and sunny. Honey stinger gels of 4-5 varieties were laid out on tables as indicated in the marathon emails, very nice. The downhill was great but maybe I relied on it a bit much, I'd say it saved me about 5 mins over a flat course. Food at the end, amazing! I had ice cold coke, cookies, cake, and chili. There was more.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

You can park right at the start if you pay the small fee, otherwise there are free lots a short walk away. Look on google for the shortcut trail to the start. Check in for my bib was lime 30 seconds, easily you can arrive 30 minutes before and be good to go.

5 / 5 Stars

  Disappointing and Unsafe

By about 2019


This is a beautiful course! The tunnel at the beginning is an exciting element to get the adrenaline pumping. It's really fun. The trail is wide and forgiving (although some people struggle with the loose gravel) with an overall elevation loss which still isn't too rough on the knees. The setting, trail, and weather can't be beat!

The course management and support were super disappointing. Aid station offerings were pretty simple and limited to begin with. There were only 10 stations planned. Unbelievably, two aid stations in the middle of the course were unmanned the entire race. For some, there wasn’t even water or nutrition left. Many of us had no support between Miles 13-21. It’s a remote course so it was a really scary thing especially for those at the back of the pack who arrived to just trash all over the trail and empty water containers. Also scary because we didn't know if any water was available ahead. For the $129 registration fee, totally unacceptable.

There are a few other organizations that half and full marathons on this incredible course. I would not recommend this specific race, but I would definitely recommend this course.

2 / 5 Stars

  Gorgeous and Fast!

By about 2019


Pretty well organized. Gorgeous scenery and fantastic weather. What a race. Only 1 minor hiccup, I'll explain down below.

Race Tips

Take it easy through the tunnel. Very little can be gained by going fast through there. So just relax and think to yourself "slow and steady wins the race". You'll have plenty of time & distance after the tunnel to make up time if you need to. I was about a minute behind pace by the time I came out of the tunnel (I was about 22:00 through 3 miles when goal was to be 21:00). But you have 23+ miles to make up that difference. In my case, it was roughly 2.5 seconds/mile. I ran a huge negative split, and with a smart racing strategy, you can too.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I wished I'd rented a car rather than relying on Uber/Lyft for everything. So consider renting a car. I flew out Friday and stayed until Tuesday, so your travel plans may be suited just fine with Uber/Lyft. I would stay either in Issaquah or Snoqualmie . There are more options and places to eat in Issaquah but you're much closer to the buses for the ride to the start if you stay in Snoqualmie. You're also closer to the finish for post race in Snoqualmie.

5 / 5 Stars

  One of my favorites

By about 2017


Being from south Louisiana the low temp and humidity (especially for August) was really nice. The shaded trail through the mountains was soooo nice.

Race Tips

Walk the tunnel the day before to get its feel. Even though it's 'trail' (not paved road) shoes with good cushion over the occasional larger gravel are a plus. Superb race.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Parking, shuttling and spectating is a tad unique but well planned out. We stayed in Bellevue (about 30 min from buss pickup and finish). Plenty of hotel choices.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Loved this race and this course. Beautiful and fast (my first BQ after 27 marathons). You would have a difficult time finding better August weather anywhere in the U.S. (it was 53 at the start and 66 when I finished).

5 / 5 Stars


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