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Erie Marathon Reviews

Erie Marathon
4.9 Stars from 25 Runners


By about 2024

5 / 5 Stars

  Great course

By about 2022


The course is great, race support on the course is great. After race support is sparse, no vendors. 2022 was humid and rainy. Temps can make it tough to PR.

Race Tips

Pacers were great. 0.6 mile walk in the dark is kind of a fun way to ratchet up the pre-race tension.

5 / 5 Stars

  Solid marathon experience

By about 2022


Flat two loop course. Aid stations (water/Gatorade) every mile. Reasonably priced. Surprisingly decent crowd support for a mid-size marathon. Just be prepared for a variety of weather conditions in Erie, Pa in early September. With ideal weather this is a PR worthy course.

Race Tips

Parking for the marathon is about a 0.6 mile walk to the start (mainly downhill walk to the start/uphill back to the car after the marathon).

The race provides ample porta potties at the start/finish area. Nevertheless, use one early because (like most marathons) the lines get surprisingly long immediately before start.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Add at least 10 minutes to the expected commute time if you're driving more than 5-6 miles to the park on race day. Even at 4:30 am on a Sunday morning there are a surprising number of red lights that add to the anticipated commute time.

5 / 5 Stars

  Great course for getting a BQ!

By about 2019


This race if for me the perfect course for these attempting to get a BQ. Flat all the way with just a tiny hill of about 20 meters which really does not have any impact on your pace. I was able to beat the BQ with a 6 minutes cushion.

Race Tips

Find a pacer, there are plenty of good ones. I was blessed to have the perfect pacer which was like a clock with the caveat that he has cheering us through the course, providing tips, etc. At mile 25 he told me, "you look strong so move and pass me".

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Wake up early. I had no issue at all parking my car and getting the busses that brought me to the starting line.

5 / 5 Stars

  PBed a sub 3

By about 2019


Excellent course. Great pacers. Not too many runners that you are getting in each other's way. Super prizes.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Don't forget the flashlight.

5 / 5 Stars

  Great BQ Opportunity and a Great Value for the Money!

By about 2019


I have been aware of the Erie Marathon for years and finally decided to register for it since I moved into a new age bracket the day before the race. The emails are straight forward and informative and are sent to participants 2 weeks before the race. The course is a joy to run and as mentioned, has the one bridge with a slight rise but also a nice decline. The support was much better than I expected with bars sent to transport spectators to several view points on the course. And to top everything off, there are very nice framed awards for the top 3 finishers of each age group! You slid get a well constructed bag, the standard shirt and some excellent running socks.

Race Tips

Pace yourself. Have a plan. It is easy to go out too fast. I was able to maintain 2 similar halfs and only ran the second half a minute slower because I cramped up at mile 25. And yes I met my goal and qualified for Boston. There are plenty of water/Gatorade stations - 1 every mile. Use them!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Try to get there by slightly after 5:30. It gets congested soon after that. Take advantage of the 100 ports potties as often as you have to. Ample parking is provided outside the park with shuttle buses.

5 / 5 Stars

  Go-to race for pr's for years to come (2x Finisher)

By about 2018


It's flat, with ample water and gu stops. There's plenty of opportunity for your family to find and cheer for you. The crowd at water stops are energetic and encouraging. It's easy to get in and out, even if you don't use the shuttle. There are enough runners to find a pack without being overcrowded. It also has a pretty great price point. It will be my go-to race for pr's for years to come.

Race Tips

Go even Steven on pacing. This is one you can negative split.

5 / 5 Stars

  Perfect marathon for me

By about 2018


Just about a perfect marathon for me. I had a PR and a BQ. It is a very small race and it's run by all volunteers so if you are looking for a lot of glitz and pizzazz, forget it. It's local and down home. It's run on a peninsula off the shore or Erie in a nature preserve. Not any crowd support to speak of but that never bothers me anyway. Great water stops though, that's where the support is.

It is COMPLETELY flat along a 13.1 mile loop that you do twice. That is a good thing since the moment you come around and start the second loop your confidence goes up because you know what lies ahead. The course is heavily wooded so even though we had a stiff wind it never really made much impact on any of us that I could tell. It was well protected for the most part.

Race Tips

My strategy was to start out with the 3:55 pace group slower than my intended time then move up incrementally after 10 miles. That is exactly what I did and it worked perfect. I had a negative split by 2 minutes and beat my Boston Qualifying standard time by 4:36. Unfortunately turns out I needed to beat it by 4:52 so I lost out on going to Boston by 16 seconds. Not the courses fault of course, just the way the cookie crumbled.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I used an Airbnb and would probably choose a hotel next time just so I would be able to meet fellow runners. While it is a serious race with serious participants, almost all wanting to BQ it was very very friendly and supportive in every way.

I loved this race, my favorite out of 12 so far.

5 / 5 Stars

  The best for a PR and Qualify for Boston

By about 2018


I ran it in 2018 and qualified for Boston by almost 15 faster. The course is all flat, small field, plenty of water stops. Well organized. The best pacers I have seen. I trained to do 3:45 and ended doing 3:40:27.

Race Tips

Try to run with the pacers close to your estimated pace. I stayed in front of the pacer because it was to crowded around him and almost fell because a runner kicked me on my foot. I got a pace band from this site and it was very helpful. Carry your gels in a belt and you will have plenty of water stops to flush them.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

All hotels close to Presque are fine.

There were plenty of buses to get you to the start.

Plan to get early to avoid the crowds.

They gave us flash lights that were very helpful in the early morning.

This was my best marathon. I was disciplined to pace myself and ran negative splits.

5 / 5 Stars

  Very flat

By about 2018


Great race for BQ. Water station at every mile. Great crowds and runners.

5 / 5 Stars

  Erie Marathon Delivers

By about 2018


This race earns its reputation: a flat, fast, well-organized race by runners for runners. In contrast to the new emerging set of races designed to be for BQ, here you have an experienced race committee and a two-loop course.

Only thing not to like is that it can be crowded on race day so get there early so you don't get wound up waiting in traffic. Similar, at the end of the race there is a queue to get out of the park.

Race Tips

If you plan to run with a pace group, realize that there will be tens of other people trying to do the same thing, so hang in the back to avoid getting boxed in.

I started with a pace group but quickly got out of it because I felt that I was using more energy keeping with it (surging/braking). Later I caught up to the next pace group and that went better (fewer people plus I hung in the back) before I broke away from there too.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Arrive early. Bring your breakfast and you can eat in your car in the parking lot, nice and relaxed, and watch the others in traffic :-).

At my hotel (Erie Springhill Suites), they opened the free breakfast up at 5AM on the day of the race! They also allowed for late checkout (2PM). You may want to call your hotel before making reservations to see if they'll do similar accommodations.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2018


I like the fact that fans/ spectators see the runners multiple times throughout the race. It's motivating to know you will see loved ones cheering you on at multiple mile markers.

5 / 5 Stars

  Excellent course!

By about 2018


As many have written, the course is flat and you get good cover from the wind on most sides because of the trees. The trees would help on a warm day too. We got lucky that it was cool, cloudy and didn't rain. The race has otherwise has a nice small race feel, which I liked.

Race Tips

Stay patient with your plan for the race.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Prepare for a mini traffic jam in getting to the parking lot at 6 in the morning. Leave early to get there.

5 / 5 Stars

  Excellent PR course.

By about 2018


This is my second year in a row running the course, and both years had near perfect weather. Last year (2017) was about 48 at the start, and it warmed up to about 62 by the end. This year it started out at 56, and stayed under 60 for the entire race. Unlike last year we had a 10-14 mph headwind/tailwind this year. Because the course is two loops, we got the added advantage of feeling the wind on our backs, coming back the other way on the course. Other than a very small hill there is virtually no elevation change. Every mile has a water stop, so planning nutrition is very easy. The energy of the crowd is always helpful, especially on those last 3 miles. Believe it or not, it makes a difference. If you're trying to sub 3 hours, I recommend doing it on this course.

Race Tips

Because there are lots and lots of experienced runners it's very easy to find a group of people to run with that will keep the pace you're shooting for. I reccommend running the course with a pace group or another group of people.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Wake up early (like 4am early), and get to Waldameer park BY 5:30 to make the shuttle, and use the restroom before you get there, and if you think you need to go, then get in line ASAP. Wait lines for porta-potties at the start are very long.

5 / 5 Stars

  Flat, fast, and beautiful

By about 2018


What I liked: This is an absolutely flat course, which also makes it a fast course. Nearly half of runners BQ'd in 2018. There is one bridge with a slight hump, but that's it. The scenery is beautiful. Lake Erie is visible at several points along the course. For the rest of the time, the course is along wooded roadways. There is grass and/ or sand along the side for runners who prefer softer terrain. Water stops every mile were very helpful. You barely got through one before you could hear the cheers and shouts of the next station. Lots of spectators. Pretty standard swag. Bag check was available and easy to use.

What I did not like: No showers. No pre-race meal. No post-race massage. No awards ceremony. People basically show up, run, and immediately leave. This race lacks some of the camaraderie I like about smaller races. Transportation for spectators was a little hard to navigate. Limited number of porta-potties along the course.

Race Tips

Practice flat runs. Consider running with a pacer. There are many pace groups, so it's pretty easy to find one that matches your ability. Pacer bios are provided, so you can even match with someone who shares your views of running, pacing approach, etc.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Plan pre-race meals by looking at restaurant menus. There is no pre-race pasta dinner. That means you are on your own to find race-friendly food. I ordered pasta off the kids menu at Cheddars. Finding race-friendly food was the most stressful part of the experience for me. Book your hotel early, as they fill up fast.

4 / 5 Stars

  Great BQ race

By about 2017


This is a great BQ race. I've run it twice. 2016 was my first marathon. 2017 was my first BQ. The course is as flat as advertised and scenic if you like beach views and woods. I found it very enjoyable. There aren't a ton of people on the course cheering, but the water stops are lively and fun. The weather in 2017 approached perfect. I think it is the right size race for a BQ as well. Given the timing as the last Sunday to qualify for the next Boston, there are a lot of people running on the BQ bubble. Made for a great experience. Expo is small, but not bad.

Race Tips

Stayed at the comfort inn on peach street by the splash lagoon water park. Great place to stay on race weekend. They allow dogs, so our boy Titus got to make the trip. Nice carb-heavy complimentary breakfast included a waffle station, toast, bagels, cereal, PB etc.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

There is also a self-service dog wash place on peach street (Mudd Puppies) which came in handy after Titus got a nice beach romp on saturday.

5 / 5 Stars

  Great small marathon

By about 2017


Well organized 2 loop flat course. Aid stations every mile.

Race Tips

Great course to hold a steady pace from beginning to end.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The Comfort Inn at Presque Isle was convenient to the race location.

5 / 5 Stars

  Easy logistics, great staff, fast course - Erie Marathon 17

By about 2017


First time for me to run this marathon, I would definitely recommend it to others. I thought all of the logistics for this marathon were well thought out and executed. It was a little intimidating at first at check in b/c it seems like EVERYONE is wearing a Boston jacket.

PROS: Flat course. Mild temperatures. Shaded course. Excellent course support with water stops and porta-johns every mile. Scenery was interesting and enjoyable. Music at the water stops was fun. The fact that the water stop crews are competing against each other makes it fun. Contrary to earlier years reviews, there were pacers this year.

CONS: Maybe a pro from your pov but it is kind of a serious race with large majority of runners trying to BQ. Overall, I give the course high marks but some will not like double loop. The courses one true con would be leading up and including the turnaround right before miles 13 and 26--felt like you were running through traffic and then having to do a 180 turn to come back to start/finish area.

Race Tips

Logistics were very easy for this race. Parking this year was about .7 miles from start and we rode the shuttles down to the start area. Most recommended hotels are nice and clustered around 9 miles from parking. No traffic issues getting to parking in about 18 minutes and immediately boarded shuttle to start. Bag drop and plenty of porta johns immediately adjacent to start corals. Nice finishing snacks with subway sandwich pack, chips, cookies, bananas, bagels, chocolate milk and plenty of water bottles.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)


5 / 5 Stars

  Mixed Reviews on this Race!

By about 2017


Things I liked: LOVED the size of this race and the first loop was absolutely beautiful (by the second loop it kind of all looks the same). Loved that there as a fun water stop every mile (the volunteers and water stops were AWESOME)- gave you something to look forward to. I happened to get lucky and had great weather but I have heard the weather is usually very good for this race each year.

What I didn't like: We had 1.5 miles each loop of swarms of newly hatched mayflies that were EVERYWHERE so for 3 miles of the race, you were literally swatting swarms of bugs that you could not avoid. Nothing that anyone could control, no biggie. The sand made it slippery around a couple water stops. I was fortunate enough to have BQ'd before this race so this was simply a training run for me (though I did clock a PR) but my biggest downside to this race was the feeling before and during the felt...heavy. Not as fun and relaxed as other races and I'm sure that was largely because many people were there specifically to BQ. Finally, the GU Brew was terrible. I am used to Gatorade so maybe it's supposed to taste that watered down but it was not good at all. The fun volunteers handing it out made it worth tolerating though!

Race Tips

If you want to BQ and actually run Boston, you would have to pace ahead of your group as they were only about a minute under BQ time standards, which would likely not be aggressive enough to get a person to run Boston.

This race feels very much like a long training run (which I LOVED) so just know going in that it isn't huge with spectators or noise. It's just you, running alongside trees and water with newly found friends.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Book early and request late checkout as soon as you book as most hotels were kicking runners out at typical checkout time, which wasn't enough time to go back for a quick shower.

YOU CAN PARK ON THE PENINSULA! Many people parked outside of the park and had to walk a ways UPHILL back to their car after the race. Yikes after running a marathon!

4 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Pancake flat, great fan and hydration support, and a perfect 26.2 for a Last minute BQ

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Make sure to plan for Lake Erie PA wine country and Niagara Falls after the race.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Great small town marathon. Lot's of participants, flat, easy qualifier.

Race Tips

Just try your best

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Very easy to understand race. You run around the island twice.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Lots of water stops and a very well organized race. Great small town marathon and perfect BQ course.

Race Tips

Arrive early!

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


Great, fast and flat. Water/Gatorade stops EVERY MILE! Great, quiet, nice scenery.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2014


Super flat, beautiful views of lake, all in a state park, aid stations every mile

Race Tips

Super flat, fast, lots of bq people, my PR course.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Lots of local places by peninsula, Sara's great for burger, sarafinis awesome Italian for night before, bruerie had good brew, calamari s has decent microbrew selection

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2011


Inexpensive, easy logistics/parking etc, good for spectators to see you 4 times without moving much. More often if on bike. Frequent aid stations, friendly and well supported

Race Tips

I was fortunate with cool weather and had a nice negative split for a big PR.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Plenty of hotels within a few miles. The town hosts many soccer tournys etc. So some hotels may fill but you can always find something. Swan in Lake Erie afterwards

5 / 5 Stars


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