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Great New York State Marathon Reviews

Great New York State Marathon
3.6 Stars from 5 Runners

  Lackadaisical Attitude Towards Runner Support

By about 2022


I generally like and try to support small marathons. But I like when they do their best to support the runners back. The organizers of this one don't seem to understand how runners experience the marathon. There was great support and ample direction on the course in the early miles, but almost none in the late, when it is most needed. There was a big gap between some water stations in the mid-late miles--also when runners need it most. The mile markers were correct in places, and thrown down wildly in others (the distance between two of the worst of them wasn't even half a mile!!) Cars were allowed to charge at the backs of runners on the Hayes Rd. part of the course (miles 17-18ish), which was incomprehensibly coned on the yellow line in the middle, and cars allowed to use both directions (criminal!) I saw ZERO support staff on this road to help with this dangerous and obnoxious situation. Worst of all, in the late miles, there was no one to direct runners. I followed some over a bridge, only for a course official drive up and steer us back (after 1/4 mile; 1/2 mile lost in full.) Because of this terrible support, I did not make my race goal, when I would have without the lost time. Imagine running 25 miles just to have no support in the final mile!!!! Finally, finishing line food and support was minimal as can be. Water, milk, apples, bananas, and see ya next year. I don't think so.

Race Tips

This race has a horrific amount of running on the side of roads which are highly graded (slanting crosswise to the runner.) Because of this, I do not recommend this course for anyone with knee or IT band problems. Personally, I'd like to see the course be all around the lake, with a reversal of direction to make 26.2. It would be more scenic, and avoid the absolutely horrific situation with cars (some cutting into the course to make turns, some actually running up runner's backs and demanding that they move to the side (Hayes). Ugh!!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Logistically, this is an easy one, with packet pickup the morning of being a great perk for anyone who has to travel to it on the morning of. Signage needed to be much better though. Cars lined up to go into the wrong lot. As with the rest of the course, runners were left to figure it out on their own. Poor support!!!

1 / 5 Stars

  2021 had new organizer and new course

By about 2021


The 2021 race had a new organizer (nonprofit -- Kelleigh's Cause, Inc.), and a new course. The event was well organized. The course started at the New York State Fairgrounds, straddled Onondaga Lake to Baldwinsville, followed a canal/river through a park for a few miles, and looped back to the Fairgrounds.

Race Tips

Going in, I was slightly worried about the elevation profile, but I didn't find the inclines or declines to be terribly detrimental. The course has some hills. Nothing soul/leg crushing, and for every uphill, there is also a downhill. There is also a nice decline to the finish line. The course is 99.99% pavement (it follows roads and paved trails). Every mile was marked, and there were water stations about every 2.5 miles. 2021 was slightly windy, but the course was mostly sheltered from the brunt of the wind by trees, structures, etc.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The NYS Fairgrounds has ample parking and signage, so logistics are straightforward.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2016


Mile markers 5 & 6 were inaccurate. Mile markers 8-10 were missing. The remaining markers were sporadic or missing and assumed inaccurate. There was no half marathon mat or mile marker. Poor starting line logistics, not organized. I am not sure if the race director has run or even organized a 5K.

Race Tips

Nice, scenic, flat course.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Plenty of race day parking. We could literally arrived 5 min before the race and not missed the start.

2 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


Well run Mid-sized (500+in full; 1500 Half). Super nice section that runs along Onondago lake (miles 2-6 and 20-24). Some of the middle miles are run on the shoulder of the road w/ a pretty severe slope. Decent sized expo w/ race themed items if that's your thing. Even tho this year we didn't get great foilage I think usually you can expect fall at its best. Tons of water stops and all w/ sports drink but in 2013 it was accelerade (I can't handle that) so beware. Simple food afterward but they did have chocolate Milk! Yeah! Nice long sleeve tech shirt and good medal.

Race Tips

There are some hills in the middle miles. They can be long but they are gentle inclines. There a mile long downhill @ 19 then super flat the final 10K when runners need it. We had sunny cool weather in 2013. Half begins after the full so no early road congestion.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I stayed in a Motel 6 that was about 10 minutes away. Race begins and ends @ local baseball stadium so parking was easy (folks guided cars into place). There is a pasta dinner but I didn't go.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2012


Beautiful Upstate New York Fall scenery
Great weather in 2011 and 2012 (in the 50s, no rain, some sun)
Supportive crowd
Logistically easy (plenty of parking, toilets)
Well-stocked aid stations (water and sports drink, gels)
Great race shirts
This is a wonderful race. I ran this race in 2011 and 2012 and will run again tomorrow for 2013. I ran my first marathon in D.C. and found the travel from Syracuse to D.C., travel on race morning, and long lines for toilets to be stressful. Then I ran the Empire State Marathon and I realized my experience in D.C. was not necessary. I am now reluctant to run a different marathon because the Empire State Marathon is so close to home, wonderfully organized, and beautiful. Running the marathon distance itself can be stressful enough so why not find a race that keeps other stress factors to a minimum. This race is it!

Race Tips

If you prefer a particular type of energy gel, bring your own.

5 / 5 Stars


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