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Marthas Vineyard Marathon Reviews

Marthas Vineyard Marathon
4.8 Stars from 4 Runners

  Good race, but not great.

By about 2019


I raced the Martha's Vineyard Marathon as a very late spring race, trying to fit in as much training as possible while still avoiding summer heat. I enjoyed the race over all, but some things could have been better. I'll break down a couple of my thoughts below.

Race Tips

The Course: Fine. It wasn't flat, but there weren't any really challenging uphills, just some small kind of rolling up and downs on the first half. After that it had a few gradual up and downs, but nothing major. The overall effect was that it felt very close to flat. First half was on a paved bike path through the woods, second was on roads and paths. The bike path section was peaceful and shaded, the road section was a little dicey. They didn't shut down any roads for the race, just kind of put out cones that took up half of a lane. Many cones had gotten knocked down or moved, and were often so close to the curb it was hard to run inside the cones. There weren't many cars out there, so it was fine. The second half of the course was more exposed. It was beautiful along the beach, but the sun seemed to effect some people. It's also windy along the coast, this year (2019) it was a headwind, which was pretty demoralizing at points. It was around 53 at the start, and got up to 65 degrees or so, which was fine, but certainly not cool.

Also you finish on a lumpy grass field. It is hard to finish fast on tired legs in a bumpy field. That was an awful idea.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The logistics: With any race you're along for the ride on logistical decisions, and this was no exception. There were a few weird things. First, you either had to pay for a mailed bib or pick it up on Friday. Unless you live on Martha's Vineyard (wish I did lol) picking it up on Friday means that you have to take a ferry to and from the Vineyard just to get your packet. It'd be fine if there was an expo, but it's just a tent set up. You're not allowed to get it the morning of, so you spend 2-3 hours of total time just to get your packet.

Second, the start time is 8:30. On one hand, it makes sense that they need to give people time to take either the 6AM or 7AM ferry over, but 8:30 is a late start. If it was a particularly hot year, I'm sure that some people close to cutoffs would have a very bad time.

Which leads me to... aid stations. There are 14 along the marathon course, 6 have Gatorade, the rest are just water. Personally, I utilized the aid well and was ok. I think there could have been a couple more. But they certainly could have used more people. There were around 2000 total people between the two races, and some of the stations only had 2 people at them. I was not in a large group, but I'm sure they got overrun at points.

I am not made of money, and did not stay on Martha's Vineyard, I got an Airbnb in Woods Hole near the ferry stop, and took over the 7am ferry. I took the shuttle from Vineyard Haven, and barely made the start on time, I would probably recommend the 6am if you're in the 8:30 start corral. We stayed the rest of the day after the race, which by that point was a beautiful day. We got lunch in Edgarton and it was really awesome, the other areas seemed like tourist traps.

Overall, I'm glad I did the race. I got the time I was shooting for, and had fun in a place I never thought I'd go. The course was fine, not particularly fast, but not slow. However, I don't ever plan to do this race again. It felt very much like a second string operation. Everything was fine, but just not done with the level of quality I've seen at other races of similar size. If this race fits in your schedule and is accessible, do it. If it's a stretch, you could find other races that are just as good or better.

4 / 5 Stars

  Fantastic Event

By about 2019


Extremely well run logistics, race start and on-course support. Mile markers were for the most part dead-on, and stations were every two-miles like clockwork; very reassuring. Loved this race and would do it again.

Race Tips

The course feels downhill for much of the first half. The weather is unpredictable, and we had direct sun that warranted hats, shades and sunblock. At Mile 18, we encountered a major headwind in Edgartown which slowed the finishing miles. The last strip along Waban park prior to turning into the finishing chute is narrow; I hope the organizers opt to block that road and widen it in the future.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Make sure you manage the ferry schedule properly and take into account the expense of staying on the island. Many hotels require a two-night minimum.

5 / 5 Stars

  Great marathon

By about 2018


Great marathon. Not many specatators given time of year (though weather in 2018 wasn't great - misty turned to rain). The start is at a high school, and they let runners wait inside which is great. Shuttles to start were super easy. Parts of course are on bike paths, which are well maintained. Size of race is good - not too crowded on course even at start, but scale is big enough to support solid race infrastructure. Martha's Vineyard is beautiful, lots of places to stay and cost and availability is reasonable b/c season isn't in full swing yet. My only criticism - I didn't like the shirts. Colors were a little feminine for my taste. Tiny complaint in big picture. I will do this race again someday.

Race Tips

Mostly flat. You need to take a bus shuttle to start, but that was super easy. Just need to plan for it.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2017

5 / 5 Stars


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