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Pittsburgh Marathon Reviews

Pittsburgh Marathon
4.5 Stars from 14 Runners

  Such a Great Race

By about 2024


This was my first marathon. The course is beautiful and challenging. There is an amazing level of support from spectators to the folks at the water and aid stations. It was such an amazing experience to get to take on the challenge with so many other runners who were friendly, happy, and saw me as a team mate vs a competitor. I absolutely want to run this course again one day.

Race Tips

The beginning 10-12 miles have very slight hills, but the big one comes between 12 and 13. Hang in there, you've got this. There are amazing hill runners who will motivate you the whole way up. After you make the big climb, there are quite a few rolling hills, but then around mile 22, you start your glorious descent. The last 2 miles or so are flat and you make your way back into the downtown to a thunderous crowd.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

There are many hotels within <.75 miles of the start and finish lines. It was convenient and definitely nice to not have to walk terribly far once the race and after party are complete. Be advised if you are staying in the area that the downtown roads are blocked off until 3-4 pm at the earliest, so plan accordingly.

5 / 5 Stars

  Pittsburgh Marathon 2024

By about 2024


May in the midwest is a crapshoot for the weather you will get. We got warm air, high humidity, and some rain so the conditions were challenging, especially for folks who were not heat trained or hydrated properly.

The entire weekend is well run and has massive support from the community. On Saturday, my wife ran the 5k, my 18-month-old "ran" the toddler trot, and then I did the marathon on Sunday. A great full family weekend of running and eating. The swag is very cool and the medal is the heaviest hardware I've received at a race (it is steel country).

Race Tips

It was a lot of fun, but unless you are constantly training on hills, I would not pick this as a first-time marathon (this was my third). It is a challenging course and deceives you into thinking the hills are only on the back half, almost begging you to make the mistake of "banking time early."

This is a mentally draining course (at least it was for me). There are some elongated rollers around 6-9 that surprised me and kind of messed up my visualization of the race and confidence. Just when I was getting over that, the half marathoners split off the course and it gets pretty lonely. Then, right on cue, you hit the "monster" hill into Oakland at 12 (a lot smaller than I had built in my mind) and you're still not to the halfway point yet. Won't go through every hill, but the backhalf was somehow less difficult than the first and the crowd support was awesome through the various neighborhoods. Engaging with the crowds is helpful and reading the funny signs like "4 months ago this was a really good idea" & "I don't do marathons, I do marathoners" provided some much needed smiling and relief.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

We stayed in an airbnb on the north side. I've been to pittsburgh enough to know that this is not a city you want to be driving in because parking is awful and GPS can't keep up with all of the road closures. So, we parked at the airbnb and walked the rest of the time. Didn't start the car again until we hauled out of there.

5 / 5 Stars

  Fantastic Race for a First Half Marathon!

By about 2023


This was my first half marathon, after running the DC Army 10 Miler back in October. I had had some injury setbacks in late winter/early spring, and I wasn't sure if I would be ready for May 7th, but I kept plugging away, feeling like I sort of made all my training by the skin of my teeth. I was super nervous and had read the reviews of this course being "very hilly." Being originally from the Pittsburgh area, I had seen the hills and were worried they would be many and steep. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the number of hills (and their steepness), was at most, moderate. If you are running on ANY hills at all in your training, you should be ready for this race. The hardest part was the Birmingham Bridge at the end, and then one more up on the Boulevard of the Allies. Also, the crowds were AMAZING. Everyone was so kind and encouraging and people lined the streets cheering the entire way. The stretch leading to the finish line was almost surreal, and the crowd was SO LOUD that I broke out into a sprint. I have a few small critiques, however: PLEASE have more port a potties. I've been to other races (although this is my first half) and I've never seen people have to constantly wait in line (even in mid race) to use them! The 10 Miler in DC probably had at least 3 times the amount of port a potties that Pittsburgh had, and they only had about 15,000 runners this past year. Also, exactly where the corrals were weren't very clear. There were signs pointing in the general directions, but when it came to actual distinction between the corrals at line up, it wasn't easy to figure out. I basically just looked for all the other people that had "D" on their bibs. Other than that, this experience was so awesome, and I will come back again!

5 / 5 Stars

  Well organized. Fun spectators

By about 2023


This was my first marathon. I enjoyed the route, very flat for the first 3 or 4 miles. No major hills after mile 19 or so.

Lots of live bands along the course, excellent fluid/nutrition stations at regular intervals, fantastic crowd support!

Race Tips

I'm a newbie so I don't know a whole lot. I would advise being comfortable with hills.

The main climb is during mile 13 so be prepared for your 1st half split to take a small dip compared to your overall time.

Huge downhill to the finish from mile 23.5-25. Save some energy for the final mile which is all flat

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

-Arrive by 6-6.15am
-There are lots of portaloos near the start areas -Road closure map will be available the week before

Food: Apteka
Bar Marco
Pusadees Garden
all incredible restaurants, very different cuisines

5 / 5 Stars

  Fall From Grace

By about 2022


Signed up for this as my first marathon knowing it'd be a challenge but was known to be extremely well organized and a ton of fun based on reviews.

The good:
Volunteer were great. Had to stop at a medical station and had very nice and accommodating EMTs/doctors Dedicated hill runners at mile 12 for motivation

The Bad:
Some water stations ran out of water Water stations were not where they were advertised and there were 2 water stations before mile 2 Medical Tents were advertised to be at every water station, this was not the case Weather was much worse than expected, bouts of thunder and lightning and downpour along with cold winds. The organizers declared this "ideal" conditions.

I spoke with others who have run either the half or full in previous years and said this was not how it had been in the past

Race Tips

First half of the course is mostly flat with the hills starting at mile 12. You immediately go up a 200 foot elevation gain hill over half a mile

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I stayed at the industrialist which was 4 blocks from my corral and 2 blocks from the finish line

2 / 5 Stars

  One of the very best!

By about 2022


This was one of my very favorite marathons I've run and I've done more than 50. The course is well thought out - it goes by nearly every top landmark in the city and a variety of distinct neighborhoods. This is a notoriously hilly city but none of the climbs were particularly steep. Very well organized -- lots of hydrations stations with well-coached volunteers. Great crowd support throughout including lots of live music. Can't say enough good things.

Race Tips

Pace yourself -- the early part is mostly flat until a long climb at mile 12 and several more up until mile 23. If you like spectator attention wear a Steelers shirt/hat with their logo.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

This is a wave start so if you are in a slower runner's corral be aware you won't be starting until 20 or 30 minutes after the elites start -- no need to get there too early.

5 / 5 Stars

  PGH 2018

By about 2018


This was my 3rd half in PGH. I was totally stoked for the 10 year anniversary. As always the course was great as well as the crowds. I did notice differences this year... it started with the reveal of the medals. They could have been a little more creative, than the big Roman numeral 10, they were great quality. The expo, I always look forward to it... it seemed very lacking. All the vendors at the expo seemed to be less than enthused to be there. Other years the vendors were highly enthusiastic. The long sleeve tech shirt was nice but seemed generic fir a 10 year anniversary. Yes this year we received tumblers and a pint glass for the 5k, which was cool. Swag bags were plastic, unlike the reusable drawstring sacks from previous years. Race day was great as always. Point state park I noticed after the race , there were less vendors and the crowds were much smaller this year. Overall I'll definitely be back next year and would recommend this PGH proud event

Race Tips

Come early for parking, course can be hilly at times but completely doable. Enjoy the crowds!

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

North shore parking is usually $5

5 / 5 Stars

  Challenging, but Fair Course

By about 2017


You get to see so many different neighborhoods of Pittsburgh that you might not normally see. There is decent crowd support throughout, but definitely more around the relay handoffs. Don't skimp on the hill training, the back half is very challenging, but fair. Make sure to pace yourself correctly after the halfway point or your quads will be chewed up going into the last downhill around mile 24.

Race Tips

Aim for even effort and maybe look to bank a little bit of time early in the race. Don't be too aggressive, but take advantage of some sections in the first half. Definitely incorporate hill training since this is not a flat course.

5 / 5 Stars

  Hard course (don't expect a PR)

By about 2017


Great to run through city
Nice size (not too small and not to big) Crowd support most of the way

Hard course (don't expect a PR)
post race traffic

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Stay downtown for easier in and out.

4 / 5 Stars


By about 2017


I am from Pittsburgh so this was a must-run for me at some point in my life. However, I do not live here anymore and was not able to train as well as I would have liked to for the hills. If you are not from Pittsburgh, this race might not be on your bucket list. The second 13 miles are all hills. It is a very scenic and beautiful race, but it is definitely rough on your legs and I cannot imagine anyone getting a PR on this course. The volunteers are wonderful and so are all of the people who come out into the streets to watch and help the runners. If you are a Pittsburgh native, it is definitely a very special experience!!! But if you are from another city, you can probably find a different race somewhere else which will allow you to get a PR.

Race Tips

The second half is extremely hilly starting at mile 12 going up into Oakland. It is all hilly until Mile 24 aprox. when there is a sharp downhill. Then it is more or less flat the last two miles going into the downtown area of Pittsburgh. Weather could be just about anything during early May in Pittsburgh. They were calling for snow flurries the days leading up to the race this year, but on the day of the race, it ended up being about 40 in the morning and then warming up to about a perfect 50 something while running. It ended up being a gorgeous race day.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

We are from Pittsburgh, but to make things easier, we ended up staying at a hotel right in Market Square the night before the race. It made things sooooo much easier.

3 / 5 Stars


By about 2017


Great crowd support, supplies still plentiful even at the back of the pack. It was hilly but not nearly as bad as I had feared based on other reviews and the elevation chart. Diversity of the different neighborhoods was great. There were volunteer hill runners at the Oakland hill (around mile 12) which was really nice.

Race Tips

I'm slow anyway but I kept a pretty easy pace until after about mile 17. There is a fairly steep down hill section that lasts a mile .. around mile 23 which was far harder on my body than the up hills.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

I stayed at Cambria hotel about .7 of a mile away from the start and .9 from the finish so that was helpful. Ate with a friend at the restaurant at the DoubleTree (about .4 from my hotel). We didn't partake but they had a pasta special going on for runners.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2015


An extremely well-organized event from (pre) start to (post) finish! A great course that is challenging yet showcases the city of Pittsburgh. Good crowd support, excellent on-course amenities, a popular expo before and fun post-race atmosphere.

Race Tips

The course may have changed (is supposedly much flatter), but was rather hilly in 2015 which is great for providing variation but can also slow potential times. Be prepared for the hills (some of which come while crossing bridges). Train specifically for both up and downhills. It can also be warm this time of year so proper hydration and fueling are also key.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

The start and finish are conveniently located right downtown which is a small(ish) and very walkable area.

5 / 5 Stars


By about 2014


The race organization was great. The crowd and live bands along the course were a nice treat for runners.

Race Tips

There are some intense climbs. The first half I found to be more challenging that the second. Running over the bridges was a cool experience, but they provided for some of those inclines I was speaking of before.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

Do not park downtown. Park on the outskirts (Station Square) and walk into town.

4 / 5 Stars


By about 2013


I've run the Pittsburgh marathon in 2002, 2009, 2013. Each time it has been well organized. The course is challenging but pretty flat for Pittsburgh. In 2013 I qualified for Boston at Pittsburgh with 5 minutes to spare so it is certainly doable on this course. Weather is usually good that time of year. One year was a bit warm, and light rain one year. But nothing you wouldn't expect on any race. The expo and organization have always been good. Good entertainment, good support from the crowds. Nice finishing area with the last few miles a gradual downhill which is always a plus. A big marathon but not huge.

Race Tips

You can run pretty even pace and effort at Pittsburgh. Get there early because the downtown is confusing to drive and lots of roads will be closed. Best parking areas are across the river by the football and baseball stadiums on the north shore. An easy mile walk or jog to the start from there. Mile 12 to 13 up Forbes Avenue into the Oakland area is the tough bit, a long gradual uphill.

Logistical Tips (Hotels, Restaurants, Parking, Discounts, etc.)

You can stay at many downtown hotels. There are also a lot of hotels and restaurants in the Cranberry area (north on I-279/I-79). On a weekend morning that's a 20-25 minute drive to downtown. Best parking areas are across the river by the football and baseball stadiums on the north shore. An easy mile walk or jog to the start from there.

5 / 5 Stars


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